Chapter 11 | Truth or Dare

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Jayda's cheeks flourished with pink. Her eyes widened, "Bold start."

I nodded, just proud of myself.

She glanced at Zach and then back at me, "Zach," she stated.

Andy quickly turned his head to face Zach to notice a smile flooding onto his face. Zach winked at Jayda who's face only became more vibrant.

I motioned the bottle to Jayda as she was next to spin it. She took a deep breath and spun the bottle. After a few seconds, it landed on Cody.

"Cody," Jayda interrogated, "Truth or dare?"

Cody thought upon his options before choosing dare.

Jayda smirked, "I dare you to kiss Andy on the cheek."

He laughed and stood up like it was nothing, bent down to Andy sitting next to me, and laid a peck on Andy's cheek. Andy shoved him away afterwards.

Christine then spun the bottle as Cody sat back down. It stopped on Andy.

"Anthony, truth or dare?" she asked.

"Truth," Andy decided.

Her eyebrows raised as she showed genuine curiosity, "Okay, are you and Lydia dating?"

Andy looked at me and without hesitation he stated, "We are loyal, but not committed to a relationship yet."

Christine nodded to the response and passed the bottle to Cody.

Cody spun the bottle and it landed on Christine, "Christine, truth or dare?"

Christine glared at Cody with a slight smile and murmured, "Truth."

"Alright, if you could date anyone here, who would it be?" he asked.

"Honestly, you. You're goofy, bold, and I like your hair," she smiled.

"Oh snap!" Zach creased the silence.

It was finally Zach's turn, and the bottle landed on Andy.

Zach glared, "Andy, I want the truth, what happened on the ice."

"Bro you didn't even ask for truth or dare!" Andy swallowed.

"Answer the damn question!" Cody laughed.

I looked upon them with both curiosity and concern. Wondering what he would say.

"I kept looking up at Lydia in the crowd and the kid took notice and started talking shit," Andy admitted.

Cody's eyebrows raised, "Yikes."

"I kind of lost that fight, and gave him what he wanted. Then the incident after the game turned it around," Andy sighed.

I couldn't help but feel a sort of sense of relief knowing he would fight for me if he had to, and still is a softie outside of it.

After a couple of goofy dares that ended in sheer laughter, we were headed off to bed for the night. We would be heading back to campus the next morning.

I said goodbye to Andy, hoping to see him the following weekend. My heart broke to see him get on the bus, knowing I wouldn't feel his touch for several days. But it healed to know we still call every day.

The next morning, Jayda posed her phone towards me and Christine with Zach's number and contact on the screen.

"No fuckin way!" Christine screeched.

"Yep!" she shook her phone to tease.


Sorry for such a short chapter but some *things* happened! Hope to see you next chapter! Vote and comment

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