Chapter 27: Cassie

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 "You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." —The Fault in Our Stars

     "Well, whatever happens, I'm proud of you," I tell Hayden from his bed. I spent the night with him last night, and while I was asleep he went on a run and is now doing sit-ups on the floor. I thought he was working hard before they made it to their big tournament, but he's somehow working even more now.

     "Thanks," he says, breathing heavily. He does four more sit-ups, then stops, "I think we have a decent shot. We've been tweaking a few things in practice this week, and I've been working with all the guys individually again."

     "I know, I'm surprised you managed to find time for us to get together between class and hockey."

     He laughs, "I've been to class maybe twice since the playoffs started Cas. I'm just focused on hockey right now."

     I think I make a face somewhere between shocked and surprised because he immediately follows it with, "Don't worry I'm still passing everything. Gotta be passing to be eligible to play."

     "That explains it," I reply shaking my head, "If I missed even a quarter as much class as you do I think I'd fail all my classes."

     "That's because your classes are hard. I'm pretty sure anyone could pass, whatever my business classes even are."

     "The fact that you don't even know the name of your classes is mind-boggling."

     He laughs, "The fact that you go to every class is mind-boggling." Then he stands up, and his expression changes, "I'm gonna take a quick shower before heading out if you'd like to join me?"

     I raise an eyebrow, "If I'd like to join you, what kind of question is that? I'll join you in a sec, I don't think my nose could take getting that close to you right now."

     "Do I really smell that bad," he asks, lifting his arm up and sniffing it. Then shrugging.

     "I mean it's not as bad as you smell right after a game," I reply trying to put a positive spin on it. I love dating him, but the less glamorous side of dating an athlete is sweat smells. I see all these cute pictures online of girls celebrating with their boyfriends after a big win, and you can just tell the guy is so sweaty. I don't know how they do it, I really like Hayden, but the post-hockey smell is not it.

     I follow him into the bathroom, and after he's been in the shower for a solid minute to wash the initial sweat off, I get in and join him, and he immediately pulls me in for a kiss.

     I never thought I was a shower-sex kind of person, with Steven at least I never was. It wasn't the sort of thing he and I ever would've thought to do, but with Hayden, it's something we've started doing semi-regularly. It feels so intimate to shower with someone, and sometimes he lets me shampoo his hair, and there's nothing more satisfying than running my fingers through his hair. Sometimes we don't even have sex, we just shower together, and it's nice. He never fails to somehow do something that just makes me laugh for no reason. It sounds silly, but I like getting to laugh in the shower.

     I've always been pretty neutral about showering, it's nice when you're taking it but getting in and getting out is never fun. I'd never really thought much about it, or making it fun, but showering with him is just fun, for more reasons than one...

     As we get dressed after one hell of a shower, I ask Hayden the question I always dread asking him, "So will I see you again before your next game?"

     He grimaces, "I want to say yes, but we leave in two days, and I have to..."

     I don't let him finish, "Hayden, this is just the most important game of your life, or so you've told me. Don't sweat it, but as soon as that championship is yours and you're not doing hockey 24/7 I'd like a little bit of your time."

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