vedant's pain

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Ishani was studying as after three days she has her exams. Yesterday he just dropped her home. He didn't questionioned her nor did he talked to her . He just safely dropped her at home.
"Ishani forgot about this love at last he left you, he used you as time pass and now marrying a high profile lady.but you have to just focus on your life and tushar" she preached herself even though she had tears in her eyes.

"Today will be the last day there"

She got ready and went to for work.

"Ishani didi" they both ran to her

"Oh my kiddos" she hugged them

She took them inside the mansion luckily vedant and navya were not there. She was feeling better without them.

Day ended, today shraddha came back early today.

"Hello mam".

"Hello Ishani"

"So your who will come in your place from tomorrow"

"There is a girl who used to work with me in a cafe"

"Will she be as good as you"

"She is very professional mam, if someone will pay her  good she will work very well"

"But we will miss you Ishani" she said with tears

"What happened mam why are you crying"

"You are like a little sister to me" she hugged her

" Mam it's about one  month only"  she knew it were her pregnancy hormones but her feelings are true

Before leaving for home she left something in the vedant room.


Shraddha was sitting on the bed with her legs straight. Aahan was lying on her lap.
"Mummy when will the baby come out"

"Umm after seven months"

" 1 2 3.......7" he said while counting  on his fingers "can't it come before"

"No aahan he need to grow before coming out"

Aahan stood up and started massaging her legs

"What are you doing baby"

"Papa said to take care of you and let you rest" he was still massaging her feet with a wide smile.

"Come here" she opened her arms for him and he reached there

"I am lucky to have you as my son" she pecked him and he giggled in her arms

"What about our kisses" it was aaditya  he was standing at the entrance of room with aaransh in his arms he had icecream in his hands

They came inside. Aarash ran with ice cream to his mom "kiss me mumma"

"Muaah" she kissed him he smiled and kissed her on cheek"my mumma"

"And my kiss" aaditya pouted And bought his cheek near her
She kissed him "sometime I feel I have three kids" she eyed him.

"Aahan aaransh take your ice cream and go to daadu give him his ice cream"

Kids obideiently went to their grandfather. After having their ice creams she was lying in his arms. His hand playing with her hair.

"Why is she living here"


"What's her name.. Navya"

"She is Papa's childhood friend's daughter, so we are like family whenever they come India they stay here"

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