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your clock screamed at you but you didn't feel like getting up. your body felt empty as you melted into the bed under you, staring blankly at the floor. remembering how a few nights ago Coryo laid right next to you, and how a few nights ago he was the closest person to you. and now that's all lost.

soon, your mother came in. You told her everything the night before with tears splashing on the floor beneath you but now you lay so still you hoped she couldn't see you

"I can't ever go back there" you mumbled

"that's childish. just go and apologize hun." she said, and the next thing you knew you were out the door in uniform with bread sticking out your mouth

as the snow crunched you spat the bread in your palm. you stared at your bite and thought of his. you tossed the bread in the next bin you saw as you ran up the school steps.

you floated to Mr. Highbottom's class until you heard a bang that snapped you out of your trance, looking down the hall you saw huge snowflakes and giant lights. you almost forgot the winter formal is this Friday 

the glitter of the snowflakes reminded you of your dress. It all seems so clear now, you wanted to wear it for him, you-

jumped as the bell screamed its final call for classes and you ran down the hall, bursting into Mr. Highbottom's class and taking your seat in a panic

"Hi Y/n" a boy whispered to your right, you looked to see Sejanus...where Coryo used to sit.

"why are you sitting here, Sejanus?" you whispered and he shrugged

"Snow wanted to switch seats Mid-semester I guess" 

but he used to sit by...

your head whipped and saw Coryo whispering to Clemmy, you felt your insides turn and looked back to Mr. Highbottom.

Is everything really over?

as the snow falls - coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now