Aint it Chief

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While intensely searching for the elusive Eye, I simultaneously engaged in a pack service by the pond, feeling like a Disney princess, energizing crystals with every step.

"Wow! I haven't seen those rocks shine since the 1990s," an elderly man exclaimed, genuinely fascinated by my efforts.

I flashed a smile at the toothless old man, his face radiating pure happiness. "Say, you aren't available tomorrow?" he inquired, scanning the surroundings and eventually locking eyes with me.

"I assure you, they will be shiny tomorrow," I responded reassuringly.

"They won't have that dump truck you got back there, little mama..."

And that's precisely why I detest visits to the town municipality. Disregarding his comment, I walked away from the conversation, deciding that today had seen enough.

"Miss, come on, take the compliment! You've got a nice set of boobies to be angry," he shouted after me.

"Go find your teeth, you uncivilized baboon!" I retorted, slamming my car door shut and finally escaping the chaos.

Navigating the narrow roads of the town, I finally spot my home on the horizon. Today's destination is the pack house, a mission to pester Nathaniel.

It dawned on me that Nathaniel and I had nothing in common, and oddly, that was what solidified our friendship. Besides, his office always had a stash of food.

Sebastian, on the other hand, argued that we never truly connected. An unsettling agreement lingered in that sentiment. Sebastian was like a habanero filled with chocolate—a mix that didn't quite blend. Or a man navigating a field of landmines and barbed wire. His demeanor was unwelcoming, topped with an alpha front that added an extra layer of complexity to our interactions.

Parking near the entrance, I cut the engine and head inside, ready to pester Nathaniel. As I enter, my eyes lock onto Sebastian, accompanied by a very familiar figure.

Anger and frustration mark my expression. Sebastian, finally acknowledging my entrance from his busy tour, introduces us with a formal tone. "This is Lilian."

Matilda extends her hand, but I decide to avoid the gesture. "We've met," I state flatly.

She withdraws her hand, turning to Sebastian with a wicked grin. "Of course we have! We're best friends, Alpha Sebastian."

"Maybe four years ago," I clarify, watching as her smile falters briefly before returning to Sebastian.

About to speak, I interrupt her, pointing to her mouth. "You've got something in your teeth." It's a blatant lie, but I want her to feel self-conscious. Her smile disappears, and she looks away from Sebastian, who seems perplexed.

Sebastian informs me, "She's here to look at Sarah. Lilian, she'll work in your brewery until she finishes." Matilda isn't thrilled, but she puts on a fake smile. "I love that you accommodate refugees, especially us witches. We never see that."

I scoff at her words, gearing up to unleash a torrent of cutting remarks. However, Sebastian chooses to interrupt me. "Lilian is here on a paid position, she's our head for anything magic-related and the forcefield around the pack," he clarifies in a monotone voice, taking a step closer to me.

Matilda, sensing an advantage, asks, "So, you have positions open, I assume? I mean, with this being a large pack and all."

Sebastian shuts her down coldly, "We are in no need of an additional witch at the moment, and if needed, we'll contact outside aid." As much as I want to tear into her and rip those pig tails from her skull, Sebastian handles it. Better him than me.

"It's so interesting you got this position, Lilian," Matilda speaks. "I mean, you didn't even go to magic school, if I remember correctly."

As Sebastian is about to speak again, I cut him off. "I actually did go to magic school, Matilda. Don't you remember?"

"You decided to drain my abilities, lock me in a closet, and take the interview yourself? Thank god I didn't do it, for shit memory and abysmal change of clothes? I'm good, thanks," I finish my rant.

"I suppose it's coming back to me now," she says through clenched teeth. "Yes, it is coming back. I remember you being the teacher's bitch, and I mean, looks like much hasn't changed since then."

A growl is heard between us, and I see Sebastian warning Matilda. "Refrain from calling Lilian such words; my wolf does not take kindly to those who insult her."

"Boom," I mouth proudly to Matilda, who looks pissed.

"Apologies, alpha," she says in a sweet tone. "Shall we continue the tour?"

"To hell, I hope?" I mutter while crossing my arms. Nathaniel suddenly walks down the stairs; Sebastian must've mindlinked him.

"Ms. Cunningham, I will continue the tour," Nathaniel announces. Matilda looks at him and nods her head. "Very well."

Leaving Sebastian and me in the room, I express my disdain. "I don't like her."

"You don't say," I reply sarcastically.

"I didn't know you had a personal vendetta," he says defensively. "She's only here until she finds out what's wrong with Sarah."

"Mhm," I say with annoyance. I never thought I would see Matilda again, and the day I did, I thought it would be her last day on this earth. He looks at my expression, "You can't be upset."

"Well, I am, and I'll continue to be petty until the day that turd stops walking the earth," I say with an angry expression.

"I forget, you're a vengeful woman," he points out. He kisses my temple, "I'll be in my office while you plan her demise."

"Can I monitor her?" I ask as he's heading towards his door. He opens the door, "You're our witch, do as you wish to protect the pack."


"You need to go away," Matilda says angrily in my face. "Sebastian contacted me to handle this because clearly you lack the abilities."

"OH? We're on first-name bases now, are we?" I say in an oddly calm voice. I knew she wanted a reaction out of me, and I wasn't going to give her that. I wanted to get under her skin, make her so embarrassed she couldn't sleep at night. "As Pack Witch, it's my responsibility to monitor any magical entities that enter the pack. If you have an issue, you can take it up with Alpha Sebastian."

"I can't do spells with you in the room; you'll interrupt any magic because—"

"Spell interferences only occur when dealing with dark entities; you should know this if you read Merlin Maltoids' spell book," I point out. "I wouldn't expect less from a cheater."

"I am a Cunningham," she exclaims, beginning to grow red in anger. God, she's like a broken record; she thinks she's entitled to shit because of her family name.

"Cool? Want a prize? How is it to be the only Cunningham—No scratch that, your family is full of scumbags," I insult. "You're only here because quite honestly, you're disposable."

"Are you so afraid I'll take your position? Because Lilian, you're absolutely right," she says with a laugh. "This pack, I heard it pays well; sounds tempting."

"The gum under my shoe is more valuable than you. If you think the people of this pack will accept you? You're fucking hilarious," I say with a smile. "The Dungeon is this way; refrain from touching the patient or do; it'll give me a reason to put a bullet in your head."

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