|39|: Kidnapped/اغواء

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Trigger warning.
Mention of abuse.

The smell of something warm hit her nostrills before Safa opened her eyes. Squinting to the bright light, she adjusted her sight and sat up straight in bed. Glancing at the clock, she found it close to eleven. She hissed as she slept in too late. Normally, she's awake around nine or earlier. Maybe the incident last night had taken a toll on her. Immediately her chest filled with a bitter feeling. She was just so sad last night. The mere thought of never seeing her brother and mother again sent a chill down her spine. She knew there would be consequences of her rash decision and maybe this was it.

Complete abandonment from her own blood. Her own flesh.

The feeling was edgy and her mind complete spiralled. Not wanting to dwell to much in her chains of thoughts, she stood up and made her way inside the bathroom. There was already a toothbrush and other toiletries. She opened the shower and took a nice long bath to calm her straining muscles. She came out dressed in a cream white suit. Towel drying her hair, she let the partially wet hair dry naturally and descended down the stairs. As she neared the kitchen, the smell of chai and something else caught her nose. Heading inside, she stilled at the sight before her. There standing was her husband dressed in a t-shirt and pants making pancakes while the tea brewed over another stove. She saw a cup already in the basin, knowing he has drunk his coffee. As if suspecting her presence, he turned around and acknowledged her

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

He asked while closing the distance between them. She felt nervous all of a sudden and gave a slight shake. He was acting....normal. like nothing happened between the two. She wanted to ask him about that, but before she could voice her question, he said

"Sit down. I'll grab your breakfast."

She nodded and took a seat on the couch in the living room. He came carrying a tray and put it before her on the table. There were eggs and pancakes on her plate while a steaming hot cup of tea was sat beside her plate.

"I hope you like pancakes." He said almost unsure and hesitant. A warm buzz went through her form and she shook her head.

"I haven't tried them before."

"Let's give it a try now." He urged and took a seat in front of her. She tore a little piece of the golden cake and put the bite in her mouth. Her taste buds exploded with flavour. It was amazing. The cakes were soft and there was this great cinnamon spice. She loved it. Looking at her husband, she found him looking eagerly at her and she couldn't help but pass a smile.

"It's delicious."

He heaved a relieved sigh and chuckled lowly. She went back to her breakfast which was so tasteful by the way. She never knew her husband can make such good dishes.

"I didn't know you cooked." She said frowning. He leaned in and said

"Apparently I do know how to make a few dishes, Phoenix."

Her heart rate palpitated at the use of the nickname. He hasn't called her that after the moment of truth. This time she voiced her question

"Why do you call me that?" She knew her question caught him off guard. He leaned back on his seat and thought deeply. She waited for him to answer her. It always came as a surprise to her of him calling her with a nickname. He's been using it since they both met. She was dying to know the reason behind it.

"Actually..." Before he could complete his sentence, his phone rang. Excusing himself, he attended the call and after few minutes of speaking into the phone, he returned back. She glanced at him while he said

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