Whistles and White capped waves

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Chapter 26

Whistles and White capped waves

We pulled up at the beach and my door was swung open. I only had time to grab my swim suit before I was pulled from the car and swung around in circles.

"Ok, ok, put her down." I heard Luka say as he laughed. I was set down on my feet and looked up to see snake staring at me in amusement.

 "Ya a little dizzy?" He asked. I nodded as I swayed on my feet. He laughed as I almost fell over. Luka caught me and sighed.

 "That was fun." I said. Luka laughed.

"Alright. Well, let's let her get dressed and then we can go swim." He said. I nodded and slowly made my way to the changing rooms. I pulled off my clothes and pulled on the bikini. It was a sky blue top with small white beads on it and black bottoms tied at the sides with blue ribbon. I sighed. I didn't like my body. I mean, I wasn't fat. Thanks to my fighting I was actually pretty fit, but with my body covered in self harm, fighting, and abuse scars I wasn't the prettiest thing you would ever see, and I knew that. I had been told that. When I was at the rings it didn't matter. Everyone was scared and bloody, but here, here there are normal people. People who have happy lives and don't know what happens when they see a person with dead eyes or one that seems nervous and flinches at everything. To them it's just normal, but to us, to me, I know what really happened.

 I can see the stories behind their eyes. Sometimes is a blessing I can see and help people, but other times it's a curse that haunts me, makes me over think and cry myself to sleep or I don't feel hungry or anything. I'm just numb. I've helped to many people that there memories become my own and I can do nothing about it. Some nights I awake screaming an unknown name for an unknown reason because it's not my memories, its there's.

I shook my head. I can't think like that now. I fixed my hair and grabbed my clothes before walking out of the changing rooms. I scanned the beach and found my friends sitting by the rocks near the water's edge. I smiled and walked over to them. As I was walking over I could feel people's eyes follow me. Some even had the guts to whistle at me, but I ignored them. They were nothing to me. I just hoped Luka didn't hear them or someone would die...and it wouldn't be Luka.

The first one to see me was Ash. He turned towards me and his jaw dropped. I smiled sheepishly and waved, he waved back still a little star struck. Day and Night saw me next. Night smiled at me and Day wolf whistled. I saw Luka frown before turning around to look at me. He smiled and walked over to me, resting his hands on my hips.

 "See, you're beautiful, as always." He said. I blushed and looked down.

 "I don't know." I said. He chuckled.

 "You're amazing and gorgeous and if anyone dares to say differently they'll pay." He said. I nodded.

"Ok." I said as I pecked his lips. He groaned.

 "This is gonna be a long day if that's all I'm gonna get." He said. I giggled.

 "Maybe it's not." I said before walking over to Night.

 "You ready to swim?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed Days hand I grabbed Nights. Together we ran into the white capped waves.

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