Chapter 163

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Chapter 163 - Such is the atmosphere to profess one's love. (3)

The moon was on the west and Venus could still be seen. The sky was still dark. The sun was yet to be seen but the cloud started turning pink first. The sky began to turn white and the morning glow became noticeable while the sea breeze hit one on their face. The clouds' reflections could be seen on top of the ocean and the sky and water blended into one. The stunning sensation was very difficult to describe without being there.

Sound from shutters came from all over and Cheng Huan was part of them. She had faithfully recorded the entire process from when the sun first peeked out just a tad till it was entirely out.

Seagulls flew passed them in groups and happened to fly in front of the sun. Cheng Huan got a snapshot of that and finally put down her camera feeling contented. She saw Jiang MingYuan did the same as her when she turned around.

She had no idea where he got the camera from but she had seen it in the car since they had taken off. It looked much fancier than the one that she has and presumably as would the result.

"What did you take?" Cheng Huan walked over and asked. "Can I see?"

Jiang MingYuan's fingers stiffened a little and nodded with his face taut. Finally he scrolled to a scenery photo and showed it to her.

"Oh, that's very good. So nice to have a good equipment." Cheng Huan took over the camera, expressed her feelings and asked, "Anything else?"

Jiang MingYuan's heart sank and he started lifting up his hand. But before he could stop her, Cheng Huan had already scrolled to the next picture.

He pulled back his hand and felt both embarrassed and awkward. His throat was tight and he wasn't able to say a word.

Cheng Huan too was surprised when she saw the picture. It was a scene but majority of the photo was her back. He had a good artistic sense and the artistic conception was very good. When Cheng Huan saw the picture, it reminded her of a poem – You were watching the scenery on a bridge, and someone watching the scenery from afar was looking at you.

She felt slightly awkward. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. Cheng Huan scrolled some more.

She was in all of the photos.

Now she felt less calm.

She felt a stir inside of her but she tried to hold it back as much as she could. Her hand was unstable and she almost dropped the camera. Luckily, she was able to hold onto the strap the very last minute.

The sky was completely bright now but the temperature didn't go up by much. The sea breeze had never stopped but she started feeling hotter and hotter.

Her palms began to sweat and she didn't know how to how to handle this. Struggling inside of herself, she wasn't sure how to ask.

What was she going to say? Did you take pictures of me because you like me? What if that wasn't the case? Perhaps he just took the pictures for the fun of it. That'd be very embarrassing if that was the case.

Deep down inside of her, Cheng Huan never thought that Jiang MingYuan would develop feelings for her. Even though this was the world inside of a book, but she wasn't the female lead. The prince would not fall for Cinderella.

She warned herself repeatedly and had almost succeeded in convincing herself, with the exception of just a little bit of suspicion remaining. As such, when she returned the camera, she asked jokingly, "How come there are so many pictures of me?"

Jiang MingYuan took the camera back from her and retracted his fingers a bit when he touched the slightly cold fingers. Giving Cheng Huan a look, and still his usual calm self, his words however were up to interpretation. "I took the pictures because you were pretty."

Cheng Huan could feel her heart pounding in her chest and the morning glow reflected on her cheeks. The temperature around her seemed to be rising and the atmosphere became more curious. She sneaked a peek over at Jiang MingYuan and he, too, was looking at her. The heat became more intense when their eyes met.

The atmosphere was perfect for professing one's love yet, unfortunately, before either one of them has figured out what to say, they were interrupted by the one who was clueless.

XingXing came with daddy and mommy to watch the sunrise. As pretty as it was, he was starting to get hungry. He waited for a bit but still didn't hear any one of them saying that they would be returning. Feeling both dubious and hungry, he couldn't wait but dash over and grabbed Cheng Huan on her pants. "Mommy, when are we going to eat?"

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