Chaos baby.

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Rylan's P.o.v

Waiting in the lunch line, Tyler turns and looks at me for a few seconds before speaking up "So... what do you think of Ashila?" I sigh as Ty asks me yet another question about the mysterious girl. He had been asking about her ever since breakfast and her little stunt with Charlotte. The questions had even started to die down that is until lunch when she invited Ameia to sit with us. Tyler nor I had never spoken a word to Ameia however Eli had said he often talked to the girl. It was obvious that he liked her. Getting to know her better at lunch, Tyler and I agreed we liked her and that if she was good enough for Eli she was good enough for us.

It was now dinner and after a long day I was in need for a large meal.
"I don't." Lie. Lie. Lie. I had been thinking about the girl all day, everyday since she got her in fact. It was like a disease, I couldn't get rid of the thought or once I did I'd be reminded of her straight away by someone or something so simple. It was dangerous.

"Dude, don't tell me you're still fussed about her being classed higher than you. You saw her this morning with Charlotte. She's badass." Ty raises an eyebrow at me. He thinks that I'm upset that she's classed higher than me. Of course not, I'm a guy, I don't get upset of stupid things like that. Okay well maybe a little bit. I mean, she looks like a bunny rabbit for christ sake.

"So what? She does some crazy shit, waves a knife around and scares a few kids. I bet it's all a bluff." Another lie. I'm shit scared of what she could do to me if I pushed her wrong buttons but am I going to tell anyone? Absolutely no way in hell.

"You totally like her." Tyler says only now giving his lunch order and then taking it from the elderly lady as we reach the front of the line. The lunch lady then hands me my lunch as I give her the money for the both of us.

"No I do not." I retaliate. Looking down at my lunch; a decent looking burger, delicious looking golden fries and coke-a-cola. My mouth waters at the sight and I have to look away so I don't start drooling.

"You head over heels for the chick." He argues against me as he sits down at our new table, the one with Ashila carved into it.

"Piss off." I say rather sternly desperately trying to end the conversation before the others get to the table.

"OH GOD DUDE SHES FLASHING!" Ty quickly shouts earning a few stares and snickers.

"What?! Where? Don't look at her man!" I look around rapidly trying to catch my gaze upon her while throwing a hand in front of Tylers eyes.

"Told you." Tyler says in a sing-a-song incredibly annoying voice.

"Come on Ty! Anyone would've looked." I try to reason with the idiot just as Eli turns up and plants his butt on the seat immediately digging in.

"You're so gross dude." Eli chuckles cluing into the conversation quickly.

"I hate you."

"Yeah well you love Ashila." He concludes taking a huge bite of his own burger to which I screw my nose up as he chews loudly.

"Shutup dipshit! People will hear you." I grumble knowing just how nosey some people in this school are. I check around just to make sure we haven't caught the attention of anyone near.

"HA! You didn't even deny it! Rylan and Ash sitting in the tree. K. I. S. S. I. N...OW shit man that hurt!" Ty's singing is rudely interrupted by me elbowing him in the gut. I check around once again nervously just to make sure no one is listening. If people thought I liked Ashila they would think I've gone soft, think I've found feeling and that they can step all over me.

"Shutup! There she is." I say once my eyes land on her. "Fuck you man. Fuck you so much." I mutter quietly to no one in particular. Watching her move, they roll of her skirt and the sway of her hair as she looked back to smile. When she comes too close and suddenly all the air evaporates out of my chest. Watching her lips when she talks. The way her laughter makes every bit of me warm. When I looked into her eyes all I saw was beauty. My mind just goes chaotic when I'm near her.

"What are you thinking so hard about Rylan?" Ashila asks quietly bringing me out of my thoughts, she looked genuinely interested. Only then am I hit with the realisation that I had been intensely staring at her lips for the past few seconds.

I don't answer her question, just smile and think you.

Troubled little youth. Old version. On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara