Twenty-Nine: Rated M. Again.

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This chapter was SO much fun to write.


It felt like things were getting back to normal. Well, as normal as things could get when Tatum was dating one of the most well known up and coming hockey players. Her Mom had been discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago and things were genuinely looking good for her health wise. Tatum really wanted to go and boast to the doctors at the hospital she volunteered at. But she restrained herself, knowing it wouldn't be good to burn any bridges. She would finish out the semester there before starting an internship with Doctor Ashford that would be a more permanent position.

It felt surreal. She couldn't believe that she actually got exactly what she wanted. She had worked for this for years. The most unbelievable part was that now she could just focus on learning what she needed to learn. She didn't need to do all of this just to save her Mom anymore. Tatum would be able to do all of this because she wanted to do it. Exploring something she wanted for herself was a strange concept to her, but it was one that excited her.

It felt even crazier that she was dating somebody now. Especially when that somebody was Brady Parker. She had been trying to balance her time the best she could between spending nights at his place while also dedicating time to being with Kinsley. Not to mention, she still had her studies and jobs. When this was all over, Tatum planned on taking a very, very long nap. But she didn't mind the busy schedules. Brady was unexpected. He was probably one of the best things to happen to her. He excited her in a way that she had never felt before. Spending time with him made her feel alive in a way she didn't know was possible.

But for now, Tatum was sat in the lecture hall, scribbling away in her notebook as she tried to jot down the diagram her professor was displaying on the screen. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to recall the pages of the textbook she read before class the night before. She continued to do her best to draw the diagram, wincing at her lack of artistic skills. That was one thing she never really shined with.

Someone slid into the empty seat next to her and Tatum paid no mind to them at first, figuring it was someone showing up late. But then they started talking.

"Pst, Tatum. Nice drawing."

She glanced up in bewilderment, growing even more confused when she saw Brady sitting next to her. Shaking her head, she thought she was imagining him in the lecture hall. But there he sat with that smug look on his face, no backpack in sight.

"Brady, what the hell are you doing here?"

He grinned at her wickedly. "It's my turn."


"We did a session. Now it's my turn."

"You've got to be joking."

He leaned towards her, lips brushing against her ear. "Found a closet that locks down the hall."

She felt her entire body heat up as she quipped, "Now I know you're joking."

"Meet me outside in five," Brady told her before shooting her a wink.

And then, he was gone.

Tatum stared at the seat he was sat in for a couple of minutes in shock before snapping herself out of the daze. After she gathered herself, she collected her belongings, shoving them hastily into her backpack. She dropped her water bottle and she winced when it made such a loud noise that she was sure the entire campus heard it. She kept her head ducked down before sprinting out of the room, grimacing at how poorly that went. Thank god it was a large lecture hall and she didn't need to worry about being embarrassed in front of anyone she knew.

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