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I would have never anticipated a proposal from Eduardo, I knew that we were officially dating but I never thought he would want to get married. He told me once that being never understood while committing for the rest of your life was a thing, of course, that was months ago, it felt longer than that though.

I smiled as he pushed the ring into my hand, of course, I was going to say yes, I was in love with this man, I had his child and he was proposing to me with magnificent jewellery. His words! God! I spent a lot of time imagining what my proposal would look like but I never thought it would be in a hospital gown while our son was sleeping not far from us and my man was holding a shining engagement ring.

"Yes? You..." he stopped himself as if decided not to question it. I frowned, "why do you look surprised that I want to marry you?"

"I just..." he stood from one knee and sat next to me, "you said I could not guarantee your safety, I was worried this was going to flop."

I scoffed, with a smile on my face, "I am already yours Eduardo, this ring is only proof to the world. Besides what I said still stands, reassurance that nothing is going to happen to me or Damien is important, I will not jeopardize our relationship because I want safety for all of us when we can have both."

He pulled me suddenly into a kiss, making me moan softly. I closed my eyes, feeling happiness fill me, I was engaged, engaged to Eduardo Reyes, my fiancé I was so happy, my hands went around his neck as I pulled myself further, the kiss was hot and passionate as he poured all his love, desire and passion into it. I hoped that he would know how much he meant to me, how much I loved him. No matter what happened, we were a family and I hoped we would remain like that.

He pulled away, slowly cracking his eyes open to stare into my eyes, I smiled at him, "I want to hear you say you are mine Aviva," he said holding my arms. The smile widened, "I am yours, Eduardo, always and forever."


Driving into Gonzales mansion with Eduardo by my side and the new baby in my arms felt like something I would have never dreamt of but It was my reality.

Life had thrown so many problems at us and we started with Rio, I shivered thinking about what he had done to us, where I was last year. Suffering and wondering if I was ever going to survive or if I would have another name on a T-shirt.

Now I was sitting here with a son and my fiancé! God! Just saying that gave me a pleasure that I could not explain. He had all of the security come with us, he was not taking any changes. Although he was not happy with the idea of us coming to this place I decided that there was no harm.

As the cars raced to a stop, Carlos came down from his car and opened our door, Eduardo came down and helped me down, and I groaned, still feeling pain from childbirth.

"Are you sure you are alright? You kept telling the doctor that you were fine but you could barely walk."

I shrugged, "You will not stop fuzzing over me, I am fine. Just a slight pain and I am a little uncomfortable that all."

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the door opening, "Eduardo, Aviva, you are here," Maria and Josiah with a few men.

"Maria, Josiah," I hugged her tightly. I had not seen her since Eduardo stomped here and took me away.

"I am so glad you are here, Aviva... Wow look this, your baby," she looked down at Damien that is now stirring, he was waking you.

"What's his name?" Josiah asked, looking down at the child, "Damien," I told them.

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