infrunami 2.4

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"Heavenly Father, I thank you for blessing me with health, running water and food and my beautiful family. I want to thank you for the power and work you've put in my life to make me a better person. Thank you for your mercy and your grace. I fell in love with you and it changed the way I loved others and for that I will forever be grateful. I ask that you place me and my family at the right places at the right times. Free me from distractions and selfish desires. Fill me with your hope and give me peace. Amen." I opened my eyes and got up from my kneeling position.

I peered over the bed to kiss Kehlani's cheek which she covered straight after before groaning. She turned over and put the sheets right over her head causing me to laugh.

Her cramps were the worst on the first day of her cycle. She woke up at 4 and has been struggling to sleep up until about ten minutes ago but I was used to her first- day antics.

I walked into Ajani's room and he sat up from his pillow and looked straight at me. He always woke up so early but it worked in my favour because of the naps he took through out the day.

"You had a good sleep 'Jani?" I ask him and he starts to stretch, ignoring my question entirely. I'll give him some leeway because he's adorable.

"Teeth!" He strolled out of his bed to walk to me. One thing about his morning routine, he loved to brush his teeth. I think it was the taste of the toothpaste that he really liked because I know damn well when I was younger I hated brushing mine.

"Alright come on." I say, picking him up before walking into the bathroom. He was too small for him to reach the counter, even with a stool so I sat him on the counter even though Kehlani didn't like doing that because she thought it was unsafe.

She always picked him up to brush his teeth but Ajani couldn't stay in one place. It really wasn't worth the struggle.

"Splashhh." Ajani dunk his hand in the sink of water before looking up to me with a devious smirk. I switched off the tap so I can focus on getting his products but as soon as I turned around I heard the water spray from the tap again.

"Stop doing that." I say, switching the tap off and he giggles before switching it back on. I take a deep breath before exhaling just to make sure I keep composed.

"Can you switch the tap off please?" I ask him and he shakes his head before dunking his hands in the sink again.

"I said switch it off." I repeat sternly, only slightly raising my voice and he pauses in his tracks before scrunching his face up. Soon enough, he started to wail quietly causing me to sigh. "Daddy's sorry for making you cry, you just need to start listening alright?" I hug him and he nods into my chest.

"I listen." He replied, muffling into my shirt.

"Then can you switch it off please?" I ask him and he looks up at me before switching it off slowly. "Thank you, that's all you had to do."

"Don't yell dada." He commented causing me to chuckle. I didn't even shout at his ass.

"I told you I'm sorry, I won't yell again." I say, wiping his stray tears with my thumb. All he had to do was switch it off.

I smear an appropriate amount of toothpaste on his toothbrush before he takes it. I direct him whilst he brushes his teeth, making sure to help get all the spots he missed.

"Alright now spit." I tell him and he does that before looking back up at me from the mirror. "Now we gonna rinse."

"Why was he crying?" Kehlani asks, walking into the bathroom as we didn't have our own right in our room.

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