Chapter 7 (Pic of Matthew)

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Chapter 7

To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.

- Federico Garcia Lorca, Blood Wedding and Yerma


"Good heavens," Leia murmured. She looked at her friend excitingly. "He kissed you? Like in mama's novels? The heroine's always receive a kiss . . . oh, Rhea," Leia squealed.

"Please, Leia spare me." Rhea groaned, thinking about the horrific moment. "It was a mistake."

Leia lifted a delicate brow. "You must be mistaken, Rhea. T'was your first kiss!" Rhea waved a hand of dismissal. She had not time to dwell upon such nonsense. She was to prepare for Lady Wellington's Soiree tonight.

"Oh, Leia. We were in such a compromising state . . . oh, no. It t'wasn't like the novels." Rhea shook her head. She could convince Leia to believe it was a mistake, an accident.

But she couldn't convince herself. She thought about Hadrian and the kiss in the carriage and how wonderful it was. What a kisser he was! Rhea blushed at such blatant thoughts.

It was improper to think of, speak of, such things, much less think upon them. That is why she mustn't tell her friend . . . or so Rhea thought.

"Rhea," Leia whispered, glancing at her maid. Lily was busily doing her hair. Leia had arrived early on in the day and so was invited to attend the soiree with them.

"Yes?" she asked.

Leia leaned forward. "How was it? What was it like? What was he like?"

"Oh, Leia!" Rhea blushed at Leia's barefaced questions. Rhea bit her lip when Leia urged her on. She took a peek at Lily and saw her maid still plaiting her hair.

Leia noticed her pointed gaze and said, "Oh Lily, don't worry about her hair. I'll tend to it."

Lily gave Leia an uneasy glance and then quickly scurried away. Rhea hadn't been paying attention to the present, wondering about Hadrian. She thought about them together . . . as man and wife.

How would he be as a husband? Rhea wondered.

". . . am I not right, Rhea?" Leia asked. Rhea blinked and looked at the mirror into Leia's eyes.

"What?" she asked. Leia narrowed her eyes and sighed.

"Utterly dreadful company you are, Rhea." Leia pouted. Rhea flushed and looked away.

"I'm sorry; I don't know where my mind is of late." Rhea closed her eyes. "I shouldn't be ok with this marriage. I should be livid and vile . . ."

"No. I've known you since we were babes, Rhea. You are not such a person. You are kind and sweet and forgiving. You love your parents and, in the end, you will do as they wish . . ." Leia said softly. She finished up Rhea's braids and had her turn to inspect the pattern.

"'Tis beautiful." Rhea smiled, "Thank you."

"You should never say such a thing." Leia scoffed. "I am your friend and always will be." Leia quirked a brow.

"Of course. We must hurry; Mama and Papa must be waiting." Rhea urged, she and Leia quickly donned on her satin gloves that matched her lavender gown.

As they walked, Leia nudged her elbow; she looked to her friend in questioning. "Think you Lord Vale might be present at the ball?"

Rhea didn't get a chance to answer as her mother excitedly chirped at her daughter's entrance. "Oh Rhea . . . you look magnificent."

"Thank you, Mama." Rhea blushed lightly. The praise helped relax her clenched stomach. She was sure it would be a long night, as it was her first debut, and was experiencing the late nausea of nervousness.

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