Chapter 24

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First chapter of 2024!!

Let's achieve many milestones together this year and thank you for all the love and support so far💕 , I'm really grateful to all of you as I never imagined coming this far. so, thank you once again, keep reading and enjoy!!

Happy reading!!!


The next day everyone was preparing to leave for their family friend's wedding , it was going to be held in Goa. It was decided that all the youngsters were going to attend all the pre-wedding rituals and the elders would join them on the day of the wedding.

It was 10:30 in the morning and everyone was done with their breakfast and were carrying on with their works.

Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh were seated in the hall discussing business related stuff, when their younger siblings entered.

"Bhai sorry to disturb you guys but since we were placing all the luggage in the cars to avoid getting late tomorrow, can you please hand over all your luggage also" said Ishaan.

" Luggage? Why our luggage ?" asked Araav.

"What do you mean what luggage bhaiya, don't tell me you guys haven't packed yet ?" asked Adithi.

"Pack for what ? " asked Ekansh.

"Seriously you guys know so, please stop messing around with us, we have better work to do and tell us where your suitcases are" said Amaira getting irritated by her brothers.

"Areyy what are you guy's even talking about?" asked Ansh pissing them off even more.

"THE WEDDING WE WERE SUPPOSED TO ATTEND" all the youngsters the yelled.

"Ohhh, we're not coming " said Vihaan casually.

"What??" asked all their younger siblings including Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara who had just entered the scene.

" Are you guys for real?" asked Isha.

"What do u mean by your not coming?" continued Meera.

"We mean we aren't coming" said Ekansh

"But why??" asked Saanvi

"Cause we have better stuff to do" said Aarav in response.

"But they're our friends, more like really family, you can't dich their wedding, come on" said Ara.

"We are really busy now with all the new responsibilities as kings and I bet they will understand unlike you guys" said Ansh.

All the youngsters including Isha, Meera, Saanvi and Ara huffed but realized they can never convince the guys and tried to calm themselves down after the guys were successful in riling them up.

" Anyways, your the ones who will miss all the fun" said Isha.

"Chalo guys, let's not disturb THE BUSY KINGS" said Meera sarcastically.

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