Orientation (Edited 12/25/23)

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One Week Later

Today is the start of Judith Wellester's junior year at Rockeford University, the #1 university in the world.

After that dinner incident where she messed up twice, Judith spent most of her time in her room to avoid more interactions with the Wellesters. She will not call them her family because they are not Judith Collins family. If she had to interact with them, she just continue to act like the original Judith Wellester.

A spoiled, annoying, airheaded b*tch.

That is how a week went by smoothely for her.

Right now, Judith is sitting with the original's so called friends at the assembly hall, at the very front, surrounded by a large gathering of students awaiting orientation to start.

"Hey Judy, isn't your sister entering college this year?" One of her plastic friends, Miranda asked.

"Oh yeah! She is a new freshie right? Where is she sitting? I hope she is not sitting close to us," said another plastic friend, Jennifer.

"Eww yuck, the thought of the ugly sister sitting next to us makes me want to barf," said the last plastic friend, Hillary.

The truth is that none of Judith's fake friends actually met Verona. The original Judith just describes her sister as uglier than her and the plastics believed her.

"Well, my sister should be sitting around somewhere," Judith began to reply, "Hopefully in the back."

"Yeah," the plastics agreed.

Suddenly, the students were told to hush and the university president went up to stand behind the podium.

"Welcome back students to a wonderful new year at Rockeford University. To the new freshmans, welcome to your beginning at Rockeford University. I am the president of this university, Lawrence Pillard. I hope you all...." The university president continues his orientation speech, which Judith tunes out.

Judith becomes bored and tries not to slump in her seat. She just hopes this orientation doesn't take too long.

After who knows how long, with Lawrence talking about university values and so forth, his speech is finally over.

"Now, I would like to have our #1 honor student Gabriel Vanderson for his speech to the new freshmans," Lawrence calls out.

Just then, a tall handsome young man came up to the podium.

"Look Judith, it's your fiance", whispered Jennifer.

Judith sat more upright to take a clear look at the original's fiance.

Gabriel Vanderson is a very handsome young man.

With shiny copper hair that swept is eyes and frames his face, sharp blue eyes, strong nose, pale skin, and chiseled jaw, Gabriel Vanderson looks like a perfect man even at just 20 years old.

Being handsome, smart, and a heir to the wealthiest family in the world, many girls want him.

Unfortunately, he is engaged to Judith.

Judith doesn't want to admit it, but even she feels attracted to him at first glance.

Too bad his cold shitty personality threw her off.

"Hello and welcome new students. My name is Gabriel Vanderson. I hope you are doing well and looking forward to a new journey at Rockeford University..." and so Gabriel continues his speech welcoming the freshmans.

Admittedly, his speech got Judith engaged even though she is not a freshman. He got such a smooth voice and a way with words.

While saying his speech, Judith thought she saw his eyes giving a guick glance to somewhere on his right.

Judith looks to her left and saw that also sitting at the front row of seats, but sitting at the very far left...

Is her sister Verona.

Judith quickly averted her eyes before anyone else saw that she wasn't paying attention.

Dude...did he just gave a look at Verona or am I just seeing things? Judith thought in confusion.

So that was the part where their eyes meet?

Whatever, can this orientation go any faster? I want to move on already.

Finally, Gabriel finishes his speech.

"Good luck and work hard everyone! Cheers to a new school year!" Gabriel concluded and left the podium as the students gave claps and cheers.

The loudness of the cheers confirms Gabriel's popularity in the school. Much louder than when the university president finished his speech.

"Finally it's over!" Judith huffed out once everyone is allowed to leave the assembly hall. She picked up her bag and began to head to the exit...

"Judith where are you going?! Gabriel is going that way!" Hillary pointed out that Gabriel is heading to a different exit.


The original Judith always follow Gabriel wherever he goes.

Guess she should follow him to not break character.

"Right," said Judith with a sigh, and began to follow after Gabriel, leaving those girls behind.

Billionaire Villainess (Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें