16| morning

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I hear a loud beeping sound and looked over to find the clock going of off '7:00'

I feel exhausted mentally and physically. My body was on fire. I felt drained.

I spent all night crying about the bear. I almost forgot I was supposed to start school today.

My eyes teared up once again when I saw the head of Maia.

I rather them hit me or scream at me like Mary and David did. They never once tried to destroy my bear they at least let all the girls keep one thing from there house. Even if as one of the punishment was taken it but they always gave it back eventually.

'Kai destroyed it. There's no way I could fixed it.' I thought as I pick it up

'It's just a stupid bear that was meant to be taken from you long ago' the voice said

It's not just a stupid bear its the last thing I had from rose before I left.

I needed to get ready. Let's hope this school isn't like my last school.

I put the bear on the side of the bed. I got up from the bed but almost immediately sat back down when I felt too dizzy.

Once it cleared I stood up once again but this time slower

I just ignored it. It always happens so nothing to worry about.

I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower

I was about to start taking my clothes off when my eyes meet the mirror

Two dead looking eyes stared back at me. The eyes were red and puffy. A sign I have been crying. Makeup covering every inch of the face. The face was dull even what all the makeup covering it.

I just signed and look away. I finished and got in the shower.

My eyes got watery again as I stood there under the water. I watch as Water drip from my hair down to my toes. I felt as pain erupted from my body as water touched every open scar on my body. I couldn't find myself to care though.

I felt my body dropped down inside the tub

The last thing I saw was the water as my eyes shut in it went dark.


"We're leaving" I heard Gianni say as him and Fransisco made it towards the door

"Ok have a good day" Rose said as she waved towards them

I heard the door close as I saw Kai come down the stairs

"Your late" I said as I looked at my watch to see they had only 10 minutes to get to school

"Yea yea" he mumbled as he run his hand through his hair

"You look like shit" Rose said

"ROSEI yelled at her "oh my bad I forgot you were there" she said
I just glared at her

"Was that you I heard last night?"
Rose asked Kai

"Probably" he responds as he stuffed a waffle in his mouth

"Why do you ask?" He ask her "it's nothing I just thought I saw someone" she said deep in thought

He look confused but then came to a realization "oh i-" he was cut off by the door bell as it rang throughout the house

"It almost 8 in the morning" Rose said "Who's at the door" She got up and exit the room probably to check who's here

I wasn't really worried since we had bodyguards inside and outside of the gate. No one can come in unless it was ran by at least one of us first.

She was back with Reigns personal bodyguard. I think his name was Zander

"Who's this" She ask confused "Zander" She look at me confused "Reigns personal bodyguard"

Fuck I forgot about Reign "Kai can you go wake u-" he cut me off

"Sorry but no" he said "we're already late"

"Alright come on Rose we're leaving" Kai said

"See you later Enzo" she waved at me as they left

"Zander follow me I'll show you to Reigns room" I told him
"Yes sir" was all he said

"Reign" Enzo called for third time as his fist pounded on her door

"Reign open the door" Enzo said now getting mad

When there was no response he went to Fransisco and got the spare key. There was one for every door in the house.

He made it back to Reign room and unlocked the door but was surprised to see a empty room

He noticed her bed was a little messy a clue that she had been in it. So where was she? It was then he heard water and realized she was probably in the shower

He looked around the room but stop we he noticed something familiar on the other side of the bed.

Enzo looked closer and his eyes widen slightly to find the other half of Rose bear. He was shocked to find the stuffed bear in such a condition.

This was a shocked to him considering that Rose kept the bear Reign gave her. She never let anything happen to it even when we begged her to just throw it away or sell it but she always refused.

We just let her keep it but only if she promised to never go in the dancing room. Which she did

He checked his watch to find the time was 8:18. He knew she was going to be really late if they didn't leave now

Reign woke up to pounding on the door and cold water being pour on her

She was shocked to find where she was. "Did I fall asleep?" Reign whispered to herself
The water must have turned cold

"Reign you got 5 seconds to respond or I'm opening the door" She heard more pounding on the door
Oh my god what time is it

She turned off the water as Enzo started counting down. One thing that she noticed when she woke up was that it was freezing.

"I'm coming" she said once she realized Enzo was still counting and had reached the number 2

"You got five minutes or Zander leaving without you" I heared footsteps walk away

The person Francisco said was my bodyguard

I looked towards the mirror and stared wide eyes as I realized my hair was soaking wet and all the makeup had came off in the shower

How did I managed to fall asleep in the shower

I just throw foundation on my face not caring at all what it looked like and grab all the makeup and put it in the bag it came in

I was going to do it at school or at least I hoped.

I wrapped my towel around me and open the door and peeked to see if anyone was there. When I saw no one I walk out and straight in the closet

I picked the first thing I saw and threw it on. She grabbed a pair of shoes and hurried and put them on.

I grabbed my book bag and stuffed the makeup in it with the things Gianni brought me and my phone and left the room.

I had to lean on the wall as I was slightly out of breath and my heart was beating so fast when I was done getting ready but at least I made it in five minutes like Enzo said

"I'm ready" I said quietly when I made it down stairs

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