✨The forbidden allure✨

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The room was enveloped in an eerie silence as I held her delicate throat, her eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. A twisted smile played on my lips, realizing the situation's intensity. I could sense her vulnerability, and it fueled the dark desires within me.

"Break me?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. The air in the room thickened with tension, and I tightened my grip, relishing the power I held over her. The scent of her fear intoxicated me, igniting a primal hunger that threatened to consume us both.I leaned in, my lips brushing against her ear. "You have no idea what you've unleashed, little angel. This darkness within me craves chaos, and you're dancing on the edge of the abyss."

Her breath hitched, and I could see the internal struggle in her eyes. The forbidden allure of our twisted connection seemed to pull her closer, even as her rational mind urged her to resist.I released her throat abruptly, leaving her gasping for breath. A wicked grin played on my face as I traced a finger along the curve of her jaw, savoring the shiver that ran through her body."Maybe you should stick to your innocent books," I mused, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "This world, this desire, it's not for the faint-hearted. You might get burned."

Her gaze met mine defiantly, a spark of determination flickering in those lilac eyes. "I'm not afraid," she declared, her words echoing with a stubborn resolve.

I chuckled darkly. "You should be."

Without giving her a chance to respond, I abruptly stood up, distancing myself from the dangerous temptation she presented. The room seemed to exhale a collective breath, and the atmosphere shifted, leaving us in a precarious balance.

She sat up on the bed, her eyes never leaving mine. "Why are you like this?" she asked, genuine confusion in her voice.

I paced the room, my hands clenching into fists. "You wouldn't understand. There are things inside me, a darkness that consumes everything in its path. I've seen empires crumble, lives extinguished. And yet, here you are, awakening something I thought long buried."

She tilted her head, a frown forming on her forehead. "Then show me. Show me the darkness, the secrets you hide. I want to understand."

I scoffed, unable to comprehend her audacity. "You're playing with fire, Althea. You might get burned, and I won't be there to save you."

She stood up, closing the distance between us. "Maybe I want to get burned," she whispered, her gaze unwavering. "Maybe I'm tired of living in the shadows, always conforming to the rules. Maybe I want to explore the forbidden."

Her words hung in the air, a daring challenge that echoed through the room. The lines between right and wrong blurred, and I found myself drawn to her audacious spirit. Little did she know the Pandora's box she was tempting to open. I couldn't control myself and ended up again pushing her under me on the bed with my hand around her throat.

I stood there, staring at Althea beneath me. The air crackled with tension, and her wide lilac eyes were fixed on mine. She didn't flinch or show fear; instead, a spark of curiosity danced in her gaze. I loosened my grip on her throat, feeling the warmth of her skin under my fingertips. Confusion and defiance mingled in her eyes, challenging the very core of my being.

She wriggled beneath me, and my hand released its firm hold. Althea gulped for air, her chest rising and falling rapidly. The atmosphere in the room shifted, and for a moment, neither spoke. I stood there, questioning my actions, trying to understand why this fragile being held such power over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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