chapter 9

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December 30th, 2021

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he replied a smile on his face, before turning his attention back to the road.

"You're so annoying, oh my days," she said, rolling her eyes and laughing, "Can you at least give me a clue? What if I'm not dressed for the right situation?"

"You look fine," he said, facing her, "obviously."

Georgina blushed, "thank you," she laughed under her breath.

"That's where you compliment me back..."

"Sorry, you look good too... obviously," She wasn't ever good at giving or receiving compliments, she found it kind of awkward and never knew what to say.

They drive the rest of the journey, never a quite second, just talking about them and their lives and careers. They conversation got cut short when they pulled into a car park.

"Ok, we're here," he said, "take these."

The girl stared at him in confusion as he handed her a pair of sunglasses. It was pitch black outside, why would they need sunglasses?

"What are these for?" she questioned whilst trying to contain her laughter.

"No, don't laugh, it a disguise."

Now she was even more lost, "a disguise?" Sunglasses wouldn't stop paparazzi.

"Yeh and it works," he replied, matter-of-factly.

"The paparazzi just won't see us with sunglasses on?" she asks hesitantly.

"Yep, and this," he said putting a hat on.

"Oh yeh for real, you hair is too recognizable," she said now beginning to take the mick.

"Hey, don't mock it, it works... I swear it does, just until we get in there," pointing his head towards the restaurant.

"There's not even any pap here yet.." Georgina argued, no one was going to see them going in there.

"Ok, but there will be when people see us in there."

"Ok, yeh good point," she eventually gave in, still laughing to herself at his ideas.

"Finally," he laughed, "you've stopped being difficult."

"I wasn't being difficult," she said, as he walked round and opened her door, "I was just... intrigued by your idea."

"Mhm, sure..." Jude just smiled down at the girl, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and guided her into the restaurant.

They were shown to their table, which was tucked away in the corner, keeping them as hidden as possible. The restaurant seemed pretty quiet, Georgina guessed that Jude had picked out a pretty special place so they wouldn't be spotted by paparazzi.

They ordered their food and spent the evening talking about each other, their families, friends, homes ect. Jude explained what happened when he's away in Germany.

"Mum comes out with me at our house, and Dad stays here with Jobe."

"How long are you away, like, at a time?" she asked, genuinely curious about how often he's away for.

"Depends on games but, I try to be back home as much as possible," he explained.

"Mhm," she was slightly worried, that if they were to start something, they'd always be in different countries.

"You must travel a lot though with your job," he asked.

"A bit yeh, when we're filming the show, I'm in the US but I don't like it there, most of the time I'm in the UK," she explained, she felt she was rambling, but when she looked but up at Jude, he was paying attention to every word she said.

"Wanna change that to being most of the time in Germany?" he asked, flashing her a big, cheesy grin.

"Stop," she replied, feeling her cheeks becoming slightly flushed, "we'll see."

She grabbed one of his chips, giving him a cheeky grin.

"Uh- excuse me," he chuckled. She just hummed in response, laughing at his fake-shocked expression.

They both had massive smiles on their faces practically the entire evening, laughing at things that weren't even funny. Georgina loved Jude's laugh; they way his eyes squint together and his teeth flashed. Jude loved Georgina's smile and her dimples that appeared when she laughed. He was just saying things to make her laugh at this point just to see her smile.


They were finally leaving the restaurant, making sure they had their hats and sunglasses on. Georgina was still laughing at the idea that they had to hide from people on their first date. Jude grabbed her hand as they walked out the restaurant, instantly having their attention stolen by some excited murmuring outside.

"Oh my god, Georgina!" one of the girls said.

"Oh my god, I'm going to cry, this isn't real," another shouted.

Georgina turned her head to be faced with a group three young girls. She gave Jude's hand a little squeeze, before taking a small step towards the girls.

"Hi," she said, giving them a timid wave.

"Please can we take a picture with you?" one of the girls asked.

"Uh, yeh of course," Georgina answered, letting go a Jude's hand and stepping between the girls.

"Do you mind?" the redhead young girl asked Jude holding out her phone, implying he takes the photos.

"Sure," he replied, before raising the phone and taking a few pictures of Georgina and the girls. She couldn't help but try and control her laughter.

She said her goodbyes to the girls, once again grabbed Jude's hand as they continued their walk back to his car.

As soon as they were out of earshot from the girls, Georgina burst out laughing and Jude snorted.

"Maybe your disguise did work?" she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeh, yeh, your funny," he replied, rolling his eyes, still with a large smile plastered across his face.

They reached his car, he opened her door, waited for her to climb in before walking round to his side.

AN: do u guys prefer long or short chapters? also do u like the social media posts and text messages - cus idk whether to include them or not? 😭

also, i hate this chapter sm im sorry 💀

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