A burning obsession

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Adam’s POV

I had to be the most fortunate bastard in the entire world.

Here I was, cruising down one of the lanes of Paris, trying not to fucking explode in my pants or pass out from eagerness. And I was so fucking close to stepping on the brakes and swerving into any random sidewalk, and take her exactly how I yearned to.

Patience Adam, My mind cautioned. I had waited this long for her, I could manage a few more minutes.

I glanced at the woman sitting beside me. She was the epitome of pure perfection in the fucking flesh. She had her hair down her shoulders, beautiful auburn waves, layered around those round, feminine shoulders. It had taken a lot of self control to not yank that flimsy black dress she wore down and kiss their softness.

I wanted to uncover it all. All of her. Every arch, every nook, every curve, every cranny. I had spent the past few days imagining that and more. I never thought I would get this opportunity.

I never expected that she would call.

Fuck I had almost walked right into a wall when she did. When I had seen the strange numbers displayed on  my phone screen, I had thought it was an investor or some badgering fool who thought he could try a hand at blackmailing me. Shit like that wasn’t new in my world. There were crazier things to deal with.

Yet instead, I'd heard a soft hello that ran right down to my cock.

Eve. My blue eyed Eve.

As if sensing my thoughts, she glanced at me and smiled sheepishly. Her face turned as red as a fucking tomato as she blushed and my jaw locked, trying to rein in the rush of desire that swept through me.

I’d want to see other parts of her blush. Ah hell, she’d look so fucking pretty with her ass all up in the air, pale creamy skin, red from my spanking. With that pink, perfect pussy glistening in the air, dripping all that fucking nectar.

Ah hell!

I wrenched my eyes away from her, gripping the steering wheel tighter. Patience, Adam. She’s all yours tonight, isn’t she? And this time, I was going to make sure she would not slip away. I could be patient, but when it came to her, I wasn’t that patient. Heck I had all but humped her right outside my club like a damned dog in heat.

But crap, what the hell was I to do? She stepped out of her cab looking like a damned vision.

The first thing that had flitted through my mind when I watched her alight was how badly I wanted to tear down that V neckline until she was bare and open to me. I had wanted to back her up against the car, spread those satiny smooth legs and then eat the life out of her.

Somehow, all the hunger and maddening desire I had felt for her descended all at once and I just had to touch her or I was going to lose my damned mind.

And knowing just how ready she was, feeling that cunt drip all over my fingers, hearing those tiny cries she made when my hands played with her pussy, Ah fuckkkkk, that made me almost lose my shit right there. When it came to one night stands, I was simply in for the release and when I was done, I’d get my ass out.

But with Eve? I glanced at her again to see her pretty lips puckered. Her eyes were fixed on the window but they had a faraway look to them.  I  watched her  rub her thighs against each other slowly. My woman was as eager as I was.

Fuck yes!

With Eve, tonight was going to be all about the pleasure. The pleasure I could give her. The pleasure I would demand of her. And perhaps after tonight I would succeed in betting her out of my system.

For that to happen however, I needed absolutely no distractions. I wasn’t daft. I knew whoever it was that had shown up at my club and made her flee from  me like I was bad news, had some sort of hold over her. And I wanted to know who he was. And what he meant to her.. But that could wait. I had plenty of time to dig all that up later.

What couldn’t wait was Eve. Sweet, sensual Eve. She could try faking being bold all she wanted but I knew just what kind of woman she was. The kind that was made to give and receive pleasure. I rolled my tongue, recalling her taste from earlier.

Ah hell I could not wait to have her. Bare, spread-eagled with all those pink lips, swollen and turgid from my kisses. I had to taste her.

No scratch that, a taste would not be enough. I had to drink from her. Swipe my tongue all over that wet willing pussy. Hell,  I’d like to know just how much of my cock she could take. I’d fuck that pretty mouth first.

An image of her moaning around my cock, teasing my sensitive head with her tongue made me inhale sharply. The sooner I got to our destination, the sooner all my fucking dreams would come true.

I was taking her to another club of mine. Paris was a wild town and the French were as wild as hell. The club business thrived and as a business mogul, it would be plain dumb not to have at least two clubs. While the Red Satin gained more popularity for its drinks and music, the club I drove to had a more darker edge.

The Extase.

“Another club?” Eve asked, her eyes flickering with confusion when I swerved into the car park.

“Oui,” I replied and turned off the engine.

“You’re not French, are you?” She asked leaning closer to me over the armrest between us. Her breasts propped up too closely to each other, revealing creamy pale skin that begged for my attention. I wanted to free those tits. But I couldn't exactly walk her through the club, all bare and sexy with all those scumbags smashing each other in there, could I?

“Perhaps I am,” I teased, booped her on the nose and slipped out of the car. She followed suit and we made our way to the door. I swiped my card against the card reader and heard my little plaything gasp when it popped open.

“That explains why there isn’t a bouncer at the door,” She mumbled and if I wasn’t so damned turned on by her innocence, I would have laughed at how adorable she sounded.

The air in the club was sensual. A slow music serenaded the customers while half dressed bartenders served the drinks. I had all taken three steps into the damned place when the bartenders stopped mixing drinks and began hollering like a bunch of vagabonds.

“Welcome back, boss!”

“Good evening, Boss!”

I glared at them and they got the memo to quiet down, hanging their heads in apologies.

“Boss?” She asked, and  I looked at her, those fuck me blue eyes were as round as saucers. “Why are they calling you boss?”

Ah hell, so damned adorable.

Without thinking, my lips split in a grin and I folded my arms in defiance. “Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies.”

She stared at me in disbelief then did the most amazing thing I had ever seen that night.

She laughed.


I stood there, still as a dumbass watching her throw her head back and letting it all out. Her hair fell behind her shoulders then, swaying with each movement of her head. Her eyes closed and her cute nose was scrunched up. And then there was the sound slipping out of her mouth.

It was loud, carefree and her shoulders trembled with each wave of laughter.

Beautiful was all I could think about as I stared at her. She was fucking beautiful.  I stalked towards the counter, holding my hands out.

Jean Paulo, one of the bartenders got the memo, reached into the drawers behind the counter and tossed me a key. He had the audacity to wink at me as he did so. I considered deducting out of his paycheck for a minute and decided I would deal with him later.

For now, only Eve fucking mattered.

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It's about to get steamy😁. Good morning my lovess🥰. Please vote, comment and add tp your library.

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