Part 38

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"A bridge between the Firefly and the Phoenix Borealis is established. Boarding permitted," announces our ship's computer.

Kayla invites me to go aboard the Phoenix Borealis with her and Rigel. I'm excited, honored, and scared. When the door in our helm opens to the connecting bridge, Kayla goes first. Next is me, carrying a box of sorted seeds in my arms. Last is Rigel, carrying several large sacks of food like a big pack animal.

The moment we board the helm of the Phoenix Borealis, Kayla is momentarily engulfed by her former crew mates.

"We bring you food and seeds," says Kayla, indicating Rigel and me.

The assessing eyes of the captain of the Phoenix Borealis flick past me, his eyes widening when he sees Rigel.

Something waist-high hurdles into Kayla's leg—a child.

Kayla ruffles the boy's dark hair. "Hello, Dylan."

Seeing how thin some of the crew of the Phoenix Borealis are brings back my childhood memories of going to bed hungry, although I wonder if these people have it worse.

"Show them where to put the supplies," the captain tells one of his crew.

A woman dressed similarly to Kayla (only now does it occur to me that Kayla must be wearing a uniform since most of her former crew wears the same style of clothing) motions for me and Rigel to follow.

I glance at Rigel. His eyes are big; I wonder if he is as horrified as I am. We've been on this ship for minutes at most, but already it feels like walls are closing in. We follow our guide into a long metal corridor. Because of the number of people in the corridor with us, we can only walk in a single file. People's heads pop out from the open doors as we walk by. Their eyes are drawn to Rigel who is so large that his head keeps bumping into the ship's ceiling.

Sometimes a hand darts out, reaching for Rigel's wings. "Angel."

Our guide points to a room that looks small and dingy. Rigel puts the food onto the floor, and I put the box of seeds on top of the bags. I don't even see any dirt. How are they going to care for these seeds?

As we stand waiting for the direction of the guide, I can't help noticing the horrid smell in the air. Are there dead bodies on this ship?

When we return to the helm, we find Kayla still meeting with the captain and her former crew. One of them, probably a medic based on the items he requests, is asking Kayla for a big list of supplies. Kayla leans forward, whispering into the captain's ear. I tap my translator a few times, amplifying the sound and eavesdropping.

Snippets of Kayla's conversation with the captain float to me. "Hydra... pursuit... arriving soon," whispers Kayla into the captain's ear shell. "We can escort you and provide protection."

Kayla meets my eyes, tilting her head toward the exit, her signal to leave. I point Rigel toward the door. He turns his back, silently leaving.

"I must go," says Kayla.

"What about our supplies," says the medic, desperation in his voice.

"I'll need to assess our inventory and we can schedule the transfer of these supplies at a later rendezvous. So, until the next time we meet..."

Dylan, the boy gripping Kayla's leg, wails. For such a little guy, he is strong, not letting go even though Kayla tries to pry the boy's arms off her legs.

"Can someone take Dylan," asks Kayla.

"He has no remaining family on the Phoenix. Dylan would be better off going with you," says the medic.

Her Alien Protector: A Sci-fi RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now