Chapter Seven

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I walked into the cafe that my mom and I worked at and took a seat at the back of the dinner in one of the many empty booths and laid my head down on the cold metal and closed my eyes.

There was the faint sound of the dishes clattering against each other but I ignored them and focused on the throbbing pain on my cheek that a bruise was soon to form by the end of the day, if not sooner.

"Aaliyah, sweetie are you okay? Why aren't you in school?" The faint sound of my mom's voice rings through my ears as she makes her way towards me.

I lift my head up ajar, smiling softly as she nears waiting for her to come closer before actually answering her question.

"The teacher didn't show up so we got to leave." I lie as she nods her head taking a seat across from me.

"Alright. Do you want anything? I can Richard make your favorite onion rings."

I smiled nodding my head. "Yes, please! Oh, can you also ask if he can make them extra crunchy?"

My mom rolls her eyes and nods her head letting me know she would before leaving the booth and over to the kitchen. As I watch her walk away, I take my phone out from my back pocket and scroll through my apps before hitting candy crush.

That game was addicting even though it's like five years old, I still can't get enough of it. It's like a drug that I need to take every day in order to feel satisfied.

"What happened to your cheek?" My mom asks lightly brushing her finger against it making me flinch and drop my phone in my lap.

I raise my hand to my cheek, shaking my head and fake a smile. "Nothing just wasn't watching where I was going and ran into the wall at school."

My mom nods her head, not looking exactly convinced but drops the subject anyway and takes her seat across from me again.

"So you graduate in two months. Have you thought about what colleges you want to go to?"

"Mom you know we can't afford college," I muttered looking down at my lap and turning my phone off.

"We can figure something out. Your education means everything, Aaliyah."

I sigh nodding my head. "I know but we already don't have enough money as it is and I don't want to put you in more stress mom."

"Aaliyah you need to go to college. I didn't and I regret it. You need to be more successful than I am."

I shake my head and avert my gaze out the window. Rain softly tapped against the window, making me smile a little before turning to my mom who was watching me carefully like I was fine China that could break any second.

"If I go to college and I get a good career will you let me take care of you financially?"

"Absolutely not. You already take care of me as it is Aaliyah. You need to focus on yourself."

"I know but you need help mama. We're practically in debt right now. You haven't paid the rent yet if you just let me help until yo-"

"No Aaliyah! Now drop the subject." My mom yells slamming her hand against the table making me jump.
The diner goes silent. Everyone stops eating and talking and stares at my mom and I. I blush and look down and away from everyone's heated gaze. My mom lets out a sigh and pinches in between her nose.

"Please, Aaliyah just drop the subject."

I nod my head as the diner starts up in its conversations. It's silent for the rest of the time I'm there. My mom commenting on certain things which I only nod to or shake my head.

I could tell my mom was irritated and stressed
out and I want to help her in every way I could, yet she won't let me help because by the end of the day she's still the adult and I'm still the child.

~ Four weeks Later ~

I stood in line in the grocery store, the urge to pee was slowly killing me as the occasional scan of each item is heard throughout the store.

I look around the store, bouncing on my feet as I watch the person in front of me starts placing their items on the table. It's times like these I wish we didn't have one cash register open, but it was a Sunday and it isn't supposed to be busy.

Finally, it's my turn and I place all my items up on the thing before I start looking around the check out stocks, my eyes roaming the candy and chips debating which goodness I should take home before my eyes fall on the box of pregnancy tests.

My blood freezes and the color of my rosy cheeks go out as I stare at the boxes like they were Ryan Gosling shirtless.

I take one box off the rack and flip it over. Early results equal better results.

"Oh God," I mutter flipping the box around and stare at the people in the store which were mostly old people.

"Ma'am, are you going to buy that?" The cashier asks looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

I look down at the box and back at the items before nodding my head and handing it to her. She quickly scans the box, before putting it in one of the bags.


I grab the single bag, taking my receipt along with it before quickly walking towards the bathroom.

When I enter, I make sure it's completely empty before entering one of the stalls. I read the back of the instructions taking a deep breath before following them.

When I'm done, I exit the stall and enter set the test on the counter before washing my hands.

As I wait for the results, I start pacing the room my hands shaking and my body trembling.

"Oh God, please don't make me. Please."

My phone's alarm goes off, my body freezing and my eyes zeroing down on the test on the counter.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and take slow steps toward the counter. I pick the test
up, my heart pounding in my chest as I shake my head.

"Please God, please," I whisper before opening my eyes.

A sob escapes my lips, the tears that were burning my eyes before rush down my face like a waterfall as the same words run through my mind.




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