Permanent Battle Buddy

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Days passed since that drunken night, I had woken, not recalling anything. Ghost made it a point to tell everyone how I begged and whined that he wouldn't fuck me. This made me feel like absolute shit, letting me know I probably told him I liked him in some way or another and he most likely shot me down. I did my best to stay small and quiet, out of his way.

"Y/n.. You feeling okay?" Ghost asked as we loaded up on gear on the trucks.

I just nodded before going to find Colton. 

"Still avoiding him?" Colton patted the crate next to him, I sat and kicked the dirt underneath my boot.

"I still can't believe he told everyone that shit. Last time I trust that motherfucker." 

"Well, you still got me." Colton placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"Yeah, that I do." I smiled.

"And me." Roach approached. "Ghost has been a real dick lately."

"He's always a dick." I could feel him watching me and then it hit me. He still isn't a fan of me being around other men, especially alone.

"Uh oh, I know that look. You have a scheme." Colton chuckled. "Do tell." 

"Ghost seems to hate that I tend to be a distraction for other men." I couldn't help but smirk. "I think I need to up the distraction factor."

"You're going to flirt with every male soldier you can?" Roach raised his eyebrow.

"Oh no, I'm going to flirt with his favorite." I cracked my knuckles. "Hey, Soap!" I called Soap over.

"Oh damn, His best friend." Colton covered his laughter with a cough as Soap approached. 

-A few days into deployment.-

"I swear he's everywhere." I turned to Roach, sitting next to me cleaning his gun. 

"I think you set him off." Roach looked up as Ghost stared us down.

"I can't help that our fellow soldiers buckle under a little bit of female attention." I shrugged. I was getting a kick out of flirting with anyone possible, especially Soap who was now in on it and he made it so much worse.

"There's my special girl!" Soap yelled as he approached, we watched as Ghost tensed.

"Hey." I waved and smiled. Soap yanked me to my feet before planting a big kiss on my lips, cue Ghost stomping over.

"Here he comes." Soap chuckled and let me go.

"Soap!" Ghost stopped inches in front of us.

"Yes, LT?" Soap couldn't help smirking.

"What the hell are you doing?" I could feel the tension in the air.

"Fraternizing with the enemy, what does it look like I'm doing? "

Ghost clenched his jaw. "Y/N, you're with me. Now." He didn't even wait for me to answer, he began dragging me off.

"What did I tell you about distractions huh?" Ghost pushed me into a tent. "Especially during deployment." 

"But you, yourself seem to enjoy distractions, Lieutenant." I fold my arms. 

Ghost clenched his fist, pinning my body against the side of the tent. "You're testing me aren't you?"

"I'm just stating facts. Don't act like you haven't been fucking soldiers left and right. At least Soap and I have a start of a relationship." I smirked, proud of my words. 

Something crossed his eyes, hurt, jealousy, I couldn't quite place it. "That won't last."

"Maybe not, but I quite enjoy his company, especially at night." 

There it was, anger. anger flared in his eyes. "You are ordered to never leave my side, you are to be at arm's length from me at all times, is that understood?" 

"You can't do that!" He could and he was.

"I can. Disobey and I'll have your ass locked back up." He stared me down and I knew better than to keep speaking.

"Understood sir." 

"Good. Now let's go." 

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