Chapter 16-Secrets Revealed

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Aria Matthews:i

It has been 2 days and Aaron told me he was finally ready to talk. 

"Ok I am ready" he said

"uh-Ok umm sit here" I said pointing to the empty desk chair by my bed 

He sat down, hunched over with his elbows on his knees and his face burried in his palms. After about several breathing exercises he calmed down and looked at me with his beautiful green eyes that he has.

"I am in the Mafia..." he said slowly and soft, so soft that I almost didn't hear it 

"What?" I said very confused on how, and when

"I said I am-" he replied but I interrupted 

"I know what you said, I mean, how...or why" 

"Oh- yeah. Well my father was in the mafia, he was the best and the most powerful one that was there. I vaguely remember it. The secret sneaking out in the night, the gashes of blood he came home in."

"But didn't your father die when you were 7" I said still confused

"Yeah he did...but he was the proud ruler of the mafia. Without me realizing it, my father trained me to fight from young. I was always in boxing or Karate for simple self defense moves, but it turns out that he was secretly teaching me how to fight for when I had to take over. When My father died, he made his first in hand Assistant the temporary ruler..but that can only last 10 years. About 3 years ago, his first in hand approached me and told me all of this. To say I was shocked was an understatement, but I understood the meaning in his words. I have to take over and in 4 months to be exact. So I have been training to fight, for this to be official one of the other rulers has to fight in a match against me. I have been staying later and working out some defense moves so I can win. But once I am ruler I need a wife, but the thing is...I don't want one. I do not want my wife to have the same troubles that my mother had. What if I die before having a kid? They will frown upon my wife and kill her. But now that you might be pregnant I am honestly scared Aria...I am bat shit scared" he said

I gently placed my hands on his face and looked him straight in the eyes

"I will be here by you every step of the way. If you need a wife I am here..I will be here for you because I fucking love you, yea I said love because that is how deep it is. If you are nervous I am right here....I will support you throughout your entire journey" i finished

" me?" he said with a glimpse of happiness in his eyes

"Yea I do" 

"I fucking do as well...I always have and never stopped" he said

I smiled a compassionate smile and pulled him in for a hug. Since he was so strong he almost crushed me but I didn't mind it. He was telling me that he was in love too. I loved every second that I was in his warmth and familiar scent of strawberries and Apple crisp. After we mutually pulled away we stared at each other's eyes and leaned in for a kiss. It was passionate and strong but not rough. It was saying something and I was saying it back.


After Aaron left, it got me thinking. He said he has always loved me and never stopped. This whole time we were arguing with each other..he loved me? I am getting really confused now. 

Aria you have loved him too, you just were trying to cover it up by being mean. Apologize and sit down with him having a conversation about what is going on. 

We agreed to talk to each other about what this means and about his upcoming match. I was nervous but excited at the same time, I've never felt like this before so it is a little scary to me. We agreed to meet up at his house. Thank god his parents are on a business trip and his brother is out. I don't think I will be able to have a comfortable conversation like that.

I pulled up to the driveway of his beautiful suburban house. I got out of my car and got my phone, keys, and my rape beeper. Even though I didn't need it, ever since the incident with my father I keep it close with me to help me calm down if I ever gotten riled up. 

I stepped to his front door and knocked hard enough for him to hear but soft enough so my knuckles don't hurt.

When he opened the door..there he was, in a black tank top with white sweatpants while his hair was sexy but messy. I was getting turned on but I needed to be serious about this conversation.

"Hey come on in" he said 


Hey guys!

My writing is really going downhill...I've been getting huge writers block and I don't know what to do...i am going to put up a poll so you guys can vote on what you want to see so far!

Love you<3

Words: 873

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