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I stood outside of the vault with the others as we discussed the situation at hand.

"Gold, this curse, is it going to work like the last one?" Emma asked Rumple.

"The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be per Pans desire. I would count on something hellish." Rumple told her, making me wince.

"The curse was built to be unstoppable. There's nothing that can be done." Regina stated.

"Well, it is possible to stop it."

"What?" Regina asked Rumple in shock.

"By using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina. You must destroy the scroll. Both yours and his curses shall be ended, but know this- there will be a price- a steep one." He told her.

"What do you suggest?" Regina asked shakily.

"Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell." Rumple told her, while we all looked at him in confusion.

"One that will return Pan and Henry to their bodies."

"If I'm back in my own body, that means I'll have the scroll. I can bring it back to you guys." Henry stated, catching on to the plan.

"Exactly right, Henry." Rumple told him.

"Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell." Regina told Rumple.

"Well, given the proper tool, I could be." Rumple corrected her.

"The Black Fairy's wand. One of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well versed in dark magic. The Blue Fairy exiled her, but before she did, she took her wand." Tinkerbell informed us.

"I assume our dearly departed Mother Superior has it in her residence?" Rumple said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hit the convent." Charming stated.

"Can I come? I should pay my respects to Blue, after all." Tinkerbell asked and Charming nodded.

"Then it's settled. The rest of us should get back to my shop and prepare Henry for the spell."


I watched as Rumple looked through one of his spell books. I went and sat beside Henry.

"How are you doing?" I asked him, and he glanced over at me.

"I'm ready to be me again."

"Don't worry, Rumple will figure something out. You'll be you before you know it." I assured him with a smile as Regina walked into the room.

"Your Aunt Claire is right Henry. It won't be much longer now. Once we have the wand, all will be ensured." Rumple told him, shutting the spell book.

The next half hour we spent waiting for Charming and Bae to return. I was standing by Rumple when the door to the pawn shop opened and the two of them walked in.

"She's back. The Blue Fairy. She gave us this wand." Charming stated, walking up to us with the wand in hand.

I would've been surprised at Blue's resurrection, but in this town, nothing surprised me anymore.

"Do we need anything else?" Emma asked Rumple.

"Only one more item." Rumple stated, letting go of my hand to open a nearby cabinet.

He walked back over and I saw he was holding a bracelet that looked very familiar.

"What is that?"

"This is one of the only useful things I managed to pilfer from Greg and Tamara before they left for Neverland. It renders anyone with magic utterly useless."

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