Ch. 30 Struggle

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Berserkers... Servants who have been bestowed with Madness Enhancement and transformed into embodiments of ferocity come charging.

"Marie, try to identify the Servants' true names. I'll buy some time for you."

"'Understood. Good luck! I'll give it my all!'"

Spears, swords, energy waves, and miracles.

Peerless techniques that have reached the pinnacle of excellence are all directed at oneself.

Parrying swords with the halberd.

"'I still don't have enough information on that Servant...!'"

"I see. I will handle it from here. Keep searching and narrow down the search based on the aspect of a knight resembling a white lily."

Creating distance, releasing the sword's point.

Constantly assaulting spears, the shifting body, numerous stakes assail this vessel as an offering.

"Seeking blood—!!"

"How bloodthirsty."

Sweeping away the halberd, casually neutralizing the threat.

"'Vlad III—ruler of Wallachia. He was known for his brutal purges of nobles and the impalements he imposed on enemy states, inspiring the model for 'vampires,' the 'Devil.''"

"A monster, huh. Such weapons are abundant and hardly worth my attention. Dealing with him will be easy."

The spear clashes with the halberd, sparks flying.

"Oh, will you reveal my secrets, or will you call me a monster?"

"It's the truth. The model for a bloodthirsty vampire."


Countering the sadistic bullets attacking from outside the field of vision, swinging the halberd and shooting everything down.

"You're not worthy of calling me by that name. Don't interfere with my entertainment."

"'Vampire, Carmilla. True name Elizabeth Bathory. Known for torturing and killing numerous young girls in Hungary and lusting for their blood, the Blood Countess.'"

"A female blood-sucking murderer. How laughable. To think you're even considered a Heroic Spirit. They really went overboard with the cheap imitations."

Slashing with the halberd, though it's obstructed by the coffin she possesses. It seems that she doesn't have much strength.

"Savagery, huh?"

"Women can be overpowered by men, that's fate. Don't be so obstinate, useless woman."

"What did you say—!"

Repelling the light bullets flying at her back with the shield of the Origin of Bullets.


"The Cross Staff... A saintly type. Probably related to Christianity. There should be only one person among those who are venerated who received a staff."

"'Saint Martha—'"

"It's ridiculous. A saint being used by a witch with her chin. Your worshiped God... Oh, right, your gods were experts at oppression."

"Shut up. What are you talking about—?"

Mowing down all of them together, blowing them away with one breath.

"You can't overwhelm me... The name of the King of Heroes is not just for show."

"Annoying, really annoying. That gaze of yours, it's nauseating... like a snake. You're such a nuisance!"

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