Chapter 63.2

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[This chapter is extra long, I hope you like it~]


At noon, Weibo was still buzzing about Jian Zhi and Shen Xingsui.

The main reason was that Jian Zhi's fans were not forgiving, they ran to Shen Xingsui's account to pick a fight, and even pointed fingers at Shen Xingsui's fans.

At noon, Shen Xingsui updated his blog post, released the old version of the score, and also included the music he played. This score was composed by him many years ago, but it was similar enough to Jian Zhi's song. Alongside all of that, Shen Xingsui also wrote down his explanation.

As soon as the Weibo post was published, it immediately became viral.

Wang Meican's PR team was the first one to take control of the public opinion. The water army accounts posted:

[Ah, now that I see this, I can really see the full version of the chorus!]

[Eh, this is just so-so.]

[Don't you think the accusation against Shen Xingsui feels strange? If he really wants to plagiarize, why does he choose a famous song from a famous celebrity? It's far too easy to be found out, you know.]

[Upstairs, I agree! If it was me who did that, I'd definitely choose an unknown small composer or something. Pretty sure it's safer too! Not that I'll do something like that, okay!]

With this public opinion guidance, the public was beginning to be swayed. There's also a couple netizens who knew a thing or two about music, and they did fond something noteworthy:

[Suisui's songs really have his own habits.]

[Yes, I don't really know about the details. But the feeling is just similar, y'know?]

[Hahaha, I think because the song always ends with an E minor chord! Probably because he's still a new composer.]

[I listened to Jian Zhi's song again, and lo and behold, I do find that the chord progression from the chorus to the second verse to be ill-matched. I was wondering at the beginning why a mature singer like Jian Zhi would make such a mistake. It turned out that he stole his younger brother's work, and just stitched it together.]

A lot of people who were mocking Shen Xingsui began to change their tune. With new evidence in sight, their attitude became more critical.

But of course, this wouldn't deter Jian Zhi's fans. Some even started to sneer at this evidence.

[This is what you call strong evidence?]

[I just took a random score from Baidu, and I said it was my own. Easy-peasy!]

[Is this leech still hellbent on stealing our gege's fame?]

But what was different from before is that the neutral netizens didn't support Jian Zhi much.

While everyone was discussing, someone discovered that Anran actually posted on Weibo. He posted a group photo on Weibo. It was at night, with Jian Zhi behind him. The singer was bowing his head on the desk despite it being very late into the night. Holding the guitar and writing songs, there were many rejected music scores scattered about.

Anran attached the text: [Erge has been working hard.]

This Weibo was a secret counterattack against Shen Xingsui, and it also showed Jian Zhi's attitude to the public. If the implication was made explicit, it probably said, "Jian Zhi is working very hard composing music. Look and see how many rejected versions are on the floor! It's not easy, you know. Praise him!"

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