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Theo's pov

Today is the day. I can't believe this is happening. I've been dreaming of this day for almost my entire life and it's finally happening.

When I was younger I would've believed it if someone told me I would get married to Nathan someday.

Back then I hated Nathan's guts. He was nothing but bad news but even if he used to be my enemy I'm kinda glad I'm marrying him.

He reentered my life at 28 years old. Lots of things happened between us since then but since then he has been nothing but a good boyfriend. He has supported me through everything and so did I.

After having the twins that's where things started to really kick off. His dad and his girlfriend Karen were now in our life. We really started to become a complete family.

Nathan ended up getting some friends of his own. Most of his family still don't talk to him but that's fine as long as his dad supports us it's fine.

He's not best friends with Brooke, Ben or Kean per se but he sure gets along with Lewis and Spencer well.

They hit it off a few years ago. Wait oh gosh time sure flies by. I think they started hitting off shortly after the twins were born.

That's not just a few years that's 16 years.

Ok, why did we wait 16 years to get married exactly? Well, when the twins came, so much stuff was happening at the same time and marriage was not something we had in mind.

For a few years, we got used to our family together and we were happy that way, even when we added another addition to our family.

So, as our kids were still young and Moonlight was heading to college, marriage would have proved to be too stressful for us, so we never tied the knot. Besides, marriage wasn't a topic even if others started to pressure us into getting married.

After that, we never really talked about marriage again. For years, we were happy as exactly as we are.

But lately, things started to change. We both started to realize that it was strange we never got married.

I will be honest in saying back in the day that I was sacred that Nathan and I wouldn't last or he would abandon me but after 17 years, I think it's clear he won't.

I had thought about marriage before but now that I'm in my forties, it wasn't really on my mind but in the last year or so it has come back to mind.

Marriage came back to mind for one specific reason, our daughter Moonlight got married last year. Gosh, I can't believe she's already married and 27 too. Time goes by so fast.

Her marriage ceremony made me feel so nostalgic and made me want to have one of my own.

And without knowing it Nathan thought the same too.

Nathan, the guy that he is, did propose to me but not in the proper way. One night a few months ago, he randomly asked the question and I thought it was a joke but it wasn't. So without a doubt, I said yes.

He properly proposed to me on a date later on and put the ring on me.

So yeah, those last few months we have been planning and now it's here. Wow...I can't believe it...

Damn, it makes me all emotional thinking about all this. Geez, I can't cry right before the ceremony. I don't want to look ugly in the wedding photos.

"Hey, Dad."

"Oh hey, Moon. What'd you doing here aren't you supposed to go prepare yourself too?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to check up on you. Wait papa are you crying?"

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