Ch 26

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And so it begins.

"Does Itachi act weird with you too?" Shisui raised a brow, "what do you mean?" I groaned "so you both are hiding something, got it."

Shisui chuckled in surprise, "how do you know that?" I rolled my eyes "you know him too well to not see he's acting weird."

Shisui patted my head "your sharp."

His eyes then hardened "But I can't-"

"You can't tell me, I know" I interrupted.

Shisui nodded "but one day, you will," I hummed "I hope so."

I already know what they're hiding, I'm just acting like I don't to keep up appearances.

"Do you go to the clan meetings too?" I asked, Shisui had a grim look on his face for a few seconds before he smiled at me "I do, but you wouldn't like them."

I rolled my eyes, "I know what they are Shisui, I'm not stupid." Shisui hummed before patting my head again, "I know you're not."

I giggled, "But yes, I know I wouldn't like them." I chuckled "I'm never going to one ever, too serious for me." Shisui laughed, "yes, you would stick out like a sore thumb."

We both laughed, "yes I would."

I went to see Shisui today to tell him about Danzo. While it was a bit ago, I still want him to be more careful around him.

More than ever.

Shisui just laughed it off but I know he took me seriously. Anyway, it's getting late. I wonder what I'm having for dinner.


If this clan doesn't fall by the village, I'll kill them myself.

The Uchiha needed all the manpower they could get, so my family was invited to one of the meetings concerning the coup d'état.

My family was at the back while some Uchiha men made me talk about the night of the nine tails attacked.

I told the story, talking about how it wasn't an Uchiha from the village who did it. I had Sharingans on me to see if I was telling the truth.

While it was an Uchiha, Odito technically is a traitor and isn't connected to the village anymore.

It was a black lie with truth.

After my testimony I sat down with my family. Fugaku came up and started talking about the village and the coup d'état.

I felt Itachi's stare on me but I never looked at him.

This was against my will.

I crossed my arms, glaring at Fugaku.

How dare he.

How dare he go against his promise.

Fugaku made eye contact with me many times throughout his little speech and I made sure to show my rage.

When this was over I was the first one to leave. I wasn't going to spend one more second there.

On my way home, my arm was grabbed.

It was Itachi.

"I thought you said you weren't interested?" Itachi didn't sound happy I was there.

"Do I look interested to you? No, let me rephrase that. Did I look happy to be there? Do I look remotely happy right now?"

I wasn't having this today.

"No, not at all. You glared at my father the whole time," I tilted my head frown "so you could see with your eyes."

Itachi sighed "what's that supposed to mean?" I glared at him "what do you think?" I snapped.

Itachi frowned at my attitude "I was looking at you the whole time, I saw everything. Every little expression" I laughed angrily "I know, I felt it," I grumbled.

"Why were you even there?" Itachi asked. I looked away annoyed, "ask your father" I hissed.

"What did my father do?" Itachi asked calmly.

I rolled my eyes "he used his authority" I fumed, "he said I wasn't going to get involved, but he was the one who made me come."

Itachi hummed deeply "you two talked about the coup d'état?" I groaned "we did."

I can't do this anymore.

"What did he-"

"Itachi stop," I interrupted. 


"No! I don't want to talk about this with you."

This is so mind consuming.

"Just let me go home," I glared at him, "I am too mad to talk with anyone. Even you."

Itachi's grip weakened but he didn't let go.

"Ishi, what made you so mad?" Itachi looked concerned for me.

I started breathing heavily in rage, "Let me go! Stop acting like Fugaku!" I screamed.

I was so mad that tears fell down my face.

Tears of rage.

Itachi looked shocked, I wasn't sure if it was what I said or the tears.

Itachi looked at me sadly, he gently squeezed my arm once before he let me go.

"Be safe" he sadly smiled as I walked away.

I went home and just went to sleep. Being mad and crying took all my energy.

This is too much for me.

It's too much.

When I woke up, I felt really tired. Like I didn't sleep at all.

I walked into the kitchen where I found breakfast and my family.

"Mom... Which side are you on?" She immediately knew what I was talking about. My dad stopped what he was doing to listen. 

"Which side?" She sat down in front of me and held my hands.

"I don't know," she smiled sadly, "I love my clan and my village."

So, the opposite of me.

She patted my back as both of my parents went to work.

And I was left alone at the table. My hot breakfast in front of me.

I'm not hungry...

I got up and walked back to my room.

I'm too tired...

I got in my bed.

This is too much...

I felt a tear go down my face.

I have a year left...

I softly cried as I hugged my pillow.

I have a year left with everyone...

I had hiccups as I tried to calm down, but it didn't work.

I have a year left with them...

I slowly fall asleep again, tears still going down my face.

I have a year left with him...

"I'm sorry, Itachi..."

"...I know, Ishi"

A/n I really loved making this chapter. Cry your hearts out! Enjoy~

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