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Twelve: Bullets and Alleyways

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"Get out of there," Ronan said in Brynn's ear.

She ignored him. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, even as everything in her body told her to run.

She had less time to leave doors open in the Governor's security system. Strictly on autopilot, Brynn dug her way through the system, paving areas for later access.

"What do you mean?" She asked the Governor over the phone.

Her boss chuckled, a noise that sent icicles down her spine. "Do you think I don't know about your visit to the Western Shifter Territory? Or your stint in the Southern Shifter Territory?"

"Brynn," Ronan growled in her ear.

Brynn couldn't possibly go any faster. She rooted through the security system, creating back doors, and eliminating her trail as she went.

"Reison's cameras collected quite a bit of information in the Southern Shifter Territory," the Governor drawled. "Imagine my surprise when I see you not only on enemy territory, but helping those—those beasts."

"Brynn, get out of there," Ronan said again. "Now!"

Brynn's fingers flew. Her heart thundered in her ears—so loud it was any wonder she could hear anything else.

Compromised. She was officially compromised.

Too soon. She didn't have the access she needed. She hadn't gotten any of the information she wanted.

All of this work could not have been for nothing.

She wouldn't let it be for nothing.

Brynn scrambled in her purse and pulled out a slim flash drive and her adapter cable. Hands unsteady, it took her two times before she successfully plugged it in.

"Stay there, won't you?" The Governor said. "I'd love to have a more... in-depth conversation."

Brynn glanced up through the office door. In the distance, she spotted dark uniforms rounding the corner.

Oh shit.

She leaped from her chair, flipped the lock on the door, and yanked down the shades.

One minute. She just needed one more minute.

"Do let security in," the Governor told her. "They're on strict orders not to harm you unless absolutely necessary."

"Brynn!" Ronan snarled. "I'm coming in."

"No." She told both Ronan and the Governor. Just thirty more seconds.

Adrenaline sparked like electricity through her veins.

A bang on the door had her jerking in her chair.

"Open this door!" Security hollered.

Shit. Shitshitshit. Brynn closed out one program. Opened another.

"Brynn!" A leopard's snarl echoed down the line.

She was a fool. Her mother would be so disappointed in her. Of course, Reison's team had cameras on them. He would've reviewed them after his failure. Brynn was an idiot for not anticipating that, and planning accordingly.

The keys clacked under her fingertips as they sped across the keyboard.

Security pounded on the door. After a moment, when it didn't open, something slammed into the door on the other side.

"Best to let them in, Brynn," The Governor said.

Brynn picked up the phone handset, then slammed it down on the receiver.

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