Chapter:02 Two

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I struggled to open the front door while carrying milk, flour, sugar, eggs as well as the box May gave me to give my mother. I managed to open it and walked in closing it using my foot.

I made my way to the kitchen where my mother was. I walked in and found her under the sink doing what looked like attempting to fix the leak in the sink.

She sat up when she heard me place down the items I was holding. "Adalyn dear, you are back. Did you bring back the stuff I asked you to bring back?" She asked me. " Yes I did, and May asked me to give you this box." I told her.

"Mom, you have been trying to fix that sink for over a month now. Why not just call a plumber?" I asked her. "Plumbers here in Riverstone are so expensive." She scoffed as she grabbed a towel to wipe her hands.

The door swung open and my best friend Kelly barged in, "Hello, family." She greeted us as she entered the kitchen.

"Mom Rebecca, are you still trying to fix that sink, I can just call my cousin he can fix it for you with a discount." She told my mom. "Really? Thank you Kelly." Mom thanked her.

" Mom we will be upstairs." I imformed her as I took Kelly's hand and took her upstairs to my room closing the door behind us.

"Whats up with you?" She asked me."Earlier today I met this boy, I was hoping you might know him. His name is Theo Ravens." I told her

Kelly knows everything about everyone down to their grandparents and every pet they have ever owned since birth. She fascinates me. Every time something happens in Riverstone she is first to know.

She thought for awhile." Oh yes, isn't he that boy who stopped talking out of know where when he was ten?" She asked and I nod.

"I want to figure out why he just stopped talking out of nowhere." I imformed her and she looked at me with a questioning look. "Why?" she asked me.

"I don't know i feel like there is something far to deep to why he stopped talking, and when i met him earlier he seemed like a genuinely lost person who needed a friend." I explained to her.

"Addy I love you, but are you okay?" She asked me. "I'm fine, you know what you can do to help me?" I asked.

She looked at me. "Do you have or know anyone who could have his phone number?" I asked her.

Knowing Kelly she probably did. She had a lot of peoples phone numbers.

"I actually do." She said. "How did you get them?" I asked her. "May gave them to me, well she did not exactly give them to me she gave me her phone to do something for her and I took all the numbers on her phone and his was one of them." She told me.

She gave me his phone number. "You are so weird, love." She said looking at me. "That makes two of us, I guess." I smiled at her.

She has always matched my energy that's what made us become friends in the first place. She's been my neighbor and best friend since we were three.

We sat on my bed and talked about our childhood and school drama for an hour. Until Kelly's phone rang and it was her mother telling her to come home and help her with something.

We hugged goodbye after she left I decided to text Theo.

I stared at his contact for a while contemplating whether I should text him or he would definitely think I'm crazy but I decided to text him anyways.

Adalyn :  Hi (with a smiley face emoji)

He answered after twenty minutes

Theo: Please don't tell me that this is the crazy weird girl from the coffee shop

Adalyn :First of all I am not crazy, and second of all I just want to be friends


Adalyn :I just want to

Theo:that's to bad for you, I don't want nor do I need a friend.

That's the last thing he texted me before blocking me, I gasped but I was not going to give up on him

Okay, I am beginning to sound a little crazy maybe I should give up on him. On the other hand I won't give up on him since it's summer break I have all the time I need. Before he knows it he will be calling me his friend. I thought to myself.

My mind drifted from Theo and went to my father. He passed away seven years ago when I was nine and his birthday was tomorrow.

Each year that passes without him seems to be getting harder and harder. When I was younger i used to try and be strong for my mother and be there for her forgetting I lost him too.

I hide the pain behind a smile and I always have.

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