To Ray

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Someday, when my mind grows heavy,
The weight of the world makes me envy,
The soft grass that used to tickle my toes,
Now cries out with my infinite whoas,
While I'm still steady.

I'll you know the world is heavy,
And you can grow from whatever you do,
Only some accomplish something great, just a few,
Don't carry the weight if it becomes your enemy,
But know you're stronger than what you see,
I, too was blinded with grudging pains,
But here I am, alive the same.

Don't drop when the world is spinning,
Because this part is just the beginning,
Ray, the earth has given you plenty,
But remember what it takes from you was empty,
And your life shall be of grace and graves,
But that's just life, I'll ask you to be brave,
Because humans will break us,
They tell you a number worth your status,
They tell you you're nothing but a  liar,
But it's from pain, that kindles our fire,
So don't burn out without the desire,
And know you can always grow higher.

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