Chapter 12

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Three years before rescue

"Don't touch me!" Dawn slapped Dr. Willow per accident as she tried to get off the chair. For the last couple of months they had done many procedures, and she wanted a break. She couldn't stand their touches, the needles, the IVs, the amounts of silver and wolfsbane they used to keep her weak, and most of all the pain. And most of all she hated the sterile scent of the room.

The girl looked in horror at Dr. Willow. He wasn't angry often or irritated, but now she could see his fury in his ice-cold eyes. Dawn did her best to not show how scared she was because she knew Dr. Willow would use that against her. She expected him to lash out, to scream, to beat her, to order something that would bring her pain, but he didn't, making Dawn only more scared.

Dr. Willow composed himself by straightening his coat and rolling his shoulders back. Silence filled the room. Nobody moved. Then he calmly walked over to Dr. Klein and spoke in a hushed tone. Jack kept a watchful eye on Dawn, who still wasn't strapped in, but he was afraid to do anything. He didn't want to anger his boss more.

The hushed tone with which Dr. Willow was speaking got louder and louder. It seems the couple had a disagreement. "We cannot do it, she is too valuable. We should conduct this on another subject," Dawn heard Dr. Klein saying.

"She can handle it. She needs to be punished, I will not be disrespected like this ever again in my own lab."

"I understand, but this will not do."

"It will," And with that, the argument seemed to be over. "Jack, prep subject 400185 for the spinal procedure." Jack's eyes widened and then immediately followed his order. Dawn was confused. What did they mean by spinal? Did they mean her spine? So her back?

Dread crept in Dawn, from the tip of her toes to the point of her nose. Jack straightened the chair and forcefully put Dawn on her stomach. She tried to fight back but it was futile. Her shirt was ripped apart and a line was drawn on the middle of her back. Her breathing quickened. She felt exposed, weak, and fragile.

For a long while she heard the three of them preparing instruments, and tools, and discussing in hushed tones what to do. Dawn couldn't understand them. Cold sweat broke out. Fear only rose in her. In those moments nothing helped her, nothing comforted her.

"Alright, Jack silence the subject." A rag was stuffed in Dawn's mouth. "Let's begin." Dawn could hear how her heartbeat fastened on the heart monitor and then came the pain. They never gave her anaesthetics for anything so it was no surprise, but it was a susceptible area and she couldn't help but scream.

Halfway through Dawn had fainted from the pain and when she woke up she was horrified. She couldn't feel her legs anymore and the more she regained consciousness the more anxious she got. She noticed she was laying on a hospital bed on her back – which burned greatly – she could see how a catheter tube stuck out under her blanket. She couldn't believe what happened. Did they paralyze her on purpose? Questions filled her mind, terrifying questions making her afraid and scared for her well-being.

After some time Jack came in holding a tablet. He had that horrible smirk on his face again. He opened his mouth but before he could make an awful remark, Dawn spoke up first. "What did you do to me? I can't feel my legs anymore!"

Jack laughed coldly. "I don't have to justify anything we did, and besides you know the rule, sweetheart. Only Dr. Willow is allowed to discuss medical matters with you."

"Is this permanent?" Dawn ignored what he said. And in turn, Jack ignored her making Dawn more frantic. The bald man checked up on her vitals and left the cell but not before saying, "Let's just hope that your special mutt skills will heal this."

Dawn's blood ran cold, fear coursing through her veins. Her face paled. She was going to die here. She knew for sure, she was going to die. She was going to die. Die. Die. Die.

Back to the present, after the fight

"I am going to die! I am going to die!" Dawn screamed in her sleep. For the first time since her arrival in this pack she still didn't know its name, she had a nightmare about her time being captured.

Aiden stormed into Dawn's bedroom. He walked over to the screaming girl. "Dawn, Dawn, you have to wake up. You have to wake up." Slowly she opened her eyes, her cheeks stained by tears. She had a hard time grasping what happened. But once she lay her eyes upon Aiden she sat up. "Aiden, they are going to let me die. They are letting me die!" Dawn thought she was still there in the lab.

"Nobody is letting you die, Dawn. I promise. You are in shock. You are not going to die. Try to breathe slowly," But Dawn couldn't breathe slowly, the feeling she was close to death still lingered around her.

"Dawn, look at me. Look at me," Aiden carefully grabbed her head and made eye contact with her. "Try to follow my breathing," He held her hand and lay it on his chest, so she could see it and feel it. Slowly Dawn followed Aiden's breathing pattern and she calmed down.

"There you go, good job. Lay back down, you must be exhausted." When Dawn's head hit her pillow, Aiden praised her again, "Good job." He grabbed her blanket and spread it over her body.

"Now before you go to sleep again, think of some happy memories, to keep you calm."

"I don't have much," Dawn said lowly.

"I know, I know," Aiden caressed her hair. "Still try... How about your first time outside again? I heard you were gone for several hours the day we met. That you were deep into the forest. How was that like?" He smiled at her.

Dawn didn't have to think about it, the words rolled over her tongue. "It-it was like coming home again... It was peaceful," She whispered.

"I bet, tell me, what did you see? What did you smell?" Aiden asked further to keep her in the memory. Slowly Dawn started to tell him all about her first experience in the woods again after nine years. With each word she grew more tired and before she knew she fell into a dreamless sleep.

At Dawn, in the ForestWhere stories live. Discover now