Chapter 17

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Obsession is a commitment; you have to believe in it because it soon takes you over.

- Lennard J. Davis

Rosenna's POV

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Rosenna's POV

As I approached the two men, I smiled, making only eye contact with Gavin. I felt absolutely sick to my stomach. Avoiding Beckham's intense gaze, it was almost as if I was being punished for my sins by the devil himself. 

" Gavin... what a surprise.. what are you doing here? " I asked, playing off the fact that I wished he wasn't here, and he placed his arm around my waist as he placed a kiss on my cheek. Beckham's gaze on me seemed to harden as he watched the interaction, but he remained stoic.

" I just wanted to stop by and say hi.. I know we were having some problems yesterday, and I thought I'd do something nice. " He said, and I tilted my head as I looked at him. Some problems.. Letting your family demean me and undermining my emotions, concerns, and feelings were more than just some problems.. but I was no saint either, so I couldn't argue too much..

" Caught him walking in with the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find. They're on your desk, by the way, " Beckham said, and I reluctantly looked over to him as I felt my knees go slightly weak at his voice.

" Did you have to ruin the surprise? " Gavin asked, laughing, and Beckham shook his head.

" Of course I did, Gav. Gotta keep you on your toes. I know Rosenna. She's not going to let you get away that easily. " He said, smiling at me, and I felt my blood run cold. Beckham doesn't smile. When he does, only bad things come from it. This is absolutely no exception.

Gav... Gav? Gav! Not even a month ago, he criticized Gav for not complimenting me at his father's dinner and for being unable to 'take care of me'... now it's Gav..

" We'll see about that.. we're two peas in a pod, me and her.. " Gavin said, looking at me lovingly. I continued feeling terrible as he rubbed his thumb over my hip. " I'd beg for her forgiveness for a lifetime.. it's why she can never say no to me.. " He said jokingly, but as Beckham continued staring at me, I felt the pressure under his gaze.

" I bet she can't.. " He replied with a monotone, and I gave them a slightly wavering smile as I pulled out of Gavin's hold.

" Well, gentlemen.. I'll leave you be. I have to find Kira to get the day under control. Be back in a bit, " I said and did my best to walk and not sprint over to Kira's office. I entered her office and shut the door as I looked to see her working on some paperwork.

" Kira! " I seethed, and she continued her work as she held up a finger.

" Sorry.. still processing. "

" You're about to process my foot up your ass if you don't help me figure out what to do! " She whined as she closed the folder and stood up. She walked over to the door with me, and we both looked out of the glass to see Beckham and Gavin still chatting it up a few meters away.

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