𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟎𝟕

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"Will you sit still?" Jameson says as I shift in the passenger seat.

I look at him, his eyes are fixed on the road ahead, his hands are gripping the steering wheel and-

He has attractive hands.

I shake my head.

What the fuck am I thinking?

But it's true. His hands are really attractive, I never thought I'd find veiny hands that attractive- I used to call Liv weird.

I'm weird too, I guess.

"Your car has a weird smell." I say.

He frowns, he glances at me then back at the road "like what? Clean?"

Huh, I guess so.

I still don't understand why I agreed to let him drop me off. I was fine waiting for Liv to pick up her phone so she can come and get me but I guess her phone is on silent mode.

Like always.

I could've continued waiting but I didn't want to be late for work so maybe that's why I said yes.

But why him? Why?

The one day I wasn't expecting him to talk to me, he did. The one day I really was relieved that he wouldn't bug me, he talked to me.

He saw my wrist bandaged. He asked me what happened.

He was worried.

And that felt good but as well as felt off.

As I've said before, Jameson and I are not friends, we're basically rivals, the only time we talk is to bug each other or rub our grades in each other's faces.

I don't want him to get worried about me, he doesn't have to because I'm not his friend and I've never treated him right.

Probably the reason people stay away from you. 

I swallow hard at the thought.

I sit properly in the seat then turn my head towards Jameson, "why did you volunteer to drop me off?"

"I didn't volunteer. This isn't any voluntary work, genius." He says, annoyed, "I was being nice."

"Jameson Gray can be nice to the whole school but he can't be nice to me." I say and catch his eye roll.

"I can be nice to you. You don't let me."

"Probably because you aren't my friend."

"What if I want to be?"

I stay quiet, staring at his profile. He glances at me, expecting me to say something but when I don't, he sighs and looks back at the road.

I look ahead, lost in thought when I say "you don't want to be my friend."


"I'm not the friend type."

Silence spreads through the car. The atmosphere becomes cold and uncomfortable as none of us says anything for the rest of the car drive to the cafe.


"We're here." Jameson says as he turns off the car engine.

"Thanks." I quickly grab my bag from the backseat and unlock the door, "bye," I say as I get out of the car.

"Bye," I hear Jameson murmur just before I shut the door and turn to walk into the cafe.

I walk into the cafe, put my bag on one of the empty chairs and walk towards the glass wall- which is decorated with doodles and the logo of the café- and watch as Jameson starts his car and drives off.

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now