[勝者] 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2

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"Natasha please do something! There's no way she can lose her memories!?" A female voice which you could barely recognise say, she sounds like she's about to cry...? 'Why can't i moved my body' you thought to yourself 'Move... Move... Damn it what's going on?' you thought, you could feel something was watching you. And a hand is place on your forehead...? Or maybe not but you forsure can say something is on your forehead it's caressing you. "My dear child... Poor kid lost her... __________, don't worry my child. I know you can _______, I ________ to know that you're in good hand" a voice say this time the tone is full of love and care, 'What the hell... Some of her words i couldn't hear it?' you thought completely dumbfounded. 'Where am I?' the only thing you could see was the dark nothing more nothing less.

"Why are you _____________  like she can hear you" the other female ask, she sounds like the first girl who talk (March). "Well ____________ she can hear us" the voice say, sound like the second voice what's her name...? Natsha or something (Natasha), 'im hungry' you thought as you slowly open your eyes.

"Ah... She's awake" a voice say as you rub your eyes. Only to be hug by a pink hair girl she is hugging you quite tight to. "Ouch!" You say as she got snatch away from you by a guy, gosh he's hot i can't denied that, "Where am i?" You ask them as the woman with black hair answer. "You've lost your memories and you're in my clinic... Im Natasha" she introduced herself to you "Natasha... I've heard of that name before" you say in a confused tone "You three should introduce yourself to... She probably doesn't remember you guys" Natasha say in a calm voice.

"Im March 7th aka your bestfriend! I am most close to you" March say as you nod your head "This is Dan heng... He's a quite and mysterious guy" March say with a smirk, so the hot guy name is Dan Heng. "And im stelle, we both don't know each other well since im pretty new" Stelle introduced herself as you nod your head. "Where is... Serval?" You ask out the blue as March eye's go wide, "You know Serval but not us?!" March ask pretty confused, how could her own crush not remember her but remember someone else?! Heart breaking moment!

"Im not surprised... Serval did say that the two of them are pretty close" Dan heng speak out "Maybe she still can remember if she try?" Dan heng ask Natasha "Can be... But making her remember will be hard" Natasha say "For now... She's just a kid without any memories completely easy to take advantage of" Natasha say, March fold her arms. "Why compare her to a kid? I think she'll be offended by it" She say "She's not as easy to offended unlike you" Dan heng say "Jeeze... I was just trying to back her up, no need to be so cold" March say back "Kid's don't have enough intelligence to know if the good is actually good or not... Since she lost her memories she's more easy to take advantage of like a baby" Natasha say.

"But don't worry Y/n! I will protect you from all those beast who dare look at you" March say as Dan heng sigh "Say the one who need  to be saved multiple times... I think i should be the one protecting her" Dan heng say in a calm manner "Guys... Im sure she can still kinda protect herself" Stelle say as you nod your head "Im capable of protecting myself... It's not that hard" you say your voice is a bit dry.

"C'mon, no need to be so stubborn... I will be your knight in shining Armor no one else!" March say as you chuckled "Oh and we should tell her about our mission... Since she lost her memories" March suggest as Stelle nod her head yes "Ok you two will have to say since I'll just make her confused" March say with a nervous look on her face "Dan heng can do i" Stelle say...

Dan Heng explain to you what you were supposed to do and what your perpose is.

"So how old am I?" You ask them "My turn to talk! You're 19 but for an 19 years old you're hot" She say as Dan Heng sigh "She's 20" Dan Heng correct her as March smile drop "Still hot" March say. "Since you remember Serval... Do you know Gepard?" She ask you as you think about it "Yes" You answer.

"Oh c'mon! You remembered that jerk but not Us?! If you didn't lose your memories i for sure will lecture you" March say with a disapointed look on his face, "Eh? Lecturing me cause i lost my memories and remember my good friends... That's unfair" you say as March glare at you when you say 'Good Friends' "Am i not your bestfriend... Is this really how i learn about the truth... Ugh this hurt soooooo much" March say with a dramatic tone.

"I guess you can say... Emotional damaged" Stelle say as March poud "Aren't you two sad! Especially you Dan Heng, i thought you l-" "This story will end too soon if you say it" Stelle say as she cut off March, "Oh right, oopsie" March say with a nervous tone. "Anyway Dan Heng! Aren't you sad that she won't remember anything you did with her?" March ask him.

( That sound sus )
Stelle thought to herself as she look at you, "Not at all, instead i find this as a good opportunity to start from the very beginning..." Dan Heng say calmly as March sigh "Can we just share?" March ask Dan Heng "You only ask me that cause you knew i have more rate of succession" Dan Heng say as March look nervous "So... C'mon three of us together our sucessful rate go past the roof! What do you say Stelle isn't what im saying true?" March ask Stelle who is hella confused.
( No idea what they're talking about but... I'll just say yes ) Stelle thought as one of her arm is on her waist, while the other is lazily hanging, "Totally" Stelle say with full of Sass in her tone. "See Stelle agree, i only need you know to agree!" March say as Dan Heng fold his arm and close his eyes, "I want to win it own my own it's more fun that way..." He say as March roll her eyes and sigh.

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