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Summoned by the king, princess Roshanne finds herself back in his study. Back in the day when she was young, she used to love this place, where her father would somehow once in a while would show affection towards her. This is the room where he used to read to her about the great warrior princess as well as the story of Abbadon the great beast, she used to admire him... Until that admiration turns into hatred once  she realizes what kind of man he is.

"You called me father." She asked him, she watches him as he looked outside the window, he was admiring something she could not see...

"How is she? Is she fairing well?" For a moment she thought he was asking about the queen, his wife but then she realizes he was asking about Dae.

"Lady Dae is just fine father, she's taking it well. But I must admit there's still a lot of adjustment needed." She answered him truthfully watching his movement, the man had never cared to ask about the well being of his whores before, so that's why it surprises her that he asked how lady Dae is fairing...

"She is young and healthy... She would give me a strong son. I trusted you with her well being for the mean time princess." It made Roshanne's jaw clicked in annoyance, he still believes that he would be able to have sons.

"Speaking of which... I called you to discuss something of importance. I received a letter from my cousin, Archduke Arthur, he proposed something." She remained silent for a moment, but it did not fail to peak her interest, the archduke and her barely know each other save from a few conversation they had when she was young. The archduke remained as a mystery to her, but she knows that he is the power behind her father's reign, being his right hand.

" You are past the year of marriage, you are already in your 28th summers, usually girls your age are already swelling with their third or fifth child." Roshanne throats constricted having known where this conversation is headed.

" Father, need I remind you that i-" Her father didn't let her finish her sentence.

"Archduke Arthur offered his son for your hand in marriage. Since you wouldn't want to marry a prince from another kingdom, I thought you would favor it if I offered your hand in marriage to someone closer to home." He finishes before looking at her. Archduke Arthur is their father's cousin and he had only one son, and unlike his daughters who bore the platinum blonde color of their hair, his son bore black hair, that of the color of ravens, and he is sickly, Roshanne felt her stomach turning at the idea of having to marry that miserable and sadistic man... Despite being sickly, his son is named as the master of torture in the dungeons, having find pleasure in the suffering of others.

" Father, must i ceaselessly remind you that I am a Sainte, and your only living legitimate heir." She stated firmly making sure to put emphasis in each word she is speaking.

"I cannot marry with whomever you just have chosen for me. I represent that Goddess Solvira herself, choosing a husband that had no virtues is something i cannot do, it will taint my image, the image of the temple, his son is known for doing various atrocities. Father I cannot marry just any man, especially that cruel man! To marry him is to insult the Gods... he's not worthy of me nor any of your daughters." Her father shook his head and sigh in disappointment, that is all what she have ever been to him... A disappointment.

"If you were a man, if you were just born with a cock... We wouldn't have this conversation. But then again must I remind you that you are a girl, you are without a cock, and therefore you are not my heir." Roshanne clenches her hand and glare at her father.

"With all due respect your grace, with or without a cock... I am all that your pathetic sons could never be... I have the blessings they do not posses." Her eye squinted at him.

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