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Chapter 10 - Hospitality

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Agent Phen had fallen into a deep sleep with her head on Lyrani's shoulder when the cart rode over a bumpy section of dirt road and jostled her awake as they entered a small village of little houses with thatched roofs and wood-framed windows.


"Get a hold of yourself." Lyrani shook her by her shoulders. "This is an important mission, and I can't have you dozing off every few minutes."

Agent Phen gave an exaggeratedly wide yawn. "How is it my fault that the train arrived at this ungodly hour?"

Lyrani glared at her. "It's nobody's fault, but as agents, we must make the best of our circumstances. We're never going to be driven by royal carriages and lodged in palaces during missions."

In all her years of working for ECISI, Lyrani could think of only one exception to that.

She let out a breath. "Comfort is usually not included in our jobs."

"Not even for the great Lyrani Esch?"

Lyrani rolled her eyes. Agent Phen was too tired to talk much sense but not to mock her.

She knew how the other agent felt. She had also operated with overwhelming fatigue when she started working in the field. Training at the academy was taxing, but at least it had regular hours. When it came to missions, convenience was a luxury that a baron's daughter had grown up taking for granted.

If Lyrani's senior agents, most notably Trelle, hadn't scolded the noblewoman out of her, she'd have never succeeded as an agent.

A small part of her sympathised with Agent Phen despite her off-putting attitude, but tough love would be more beneficial to her in the long run. Being an agent wasn't easy, and the sooner she accepted that, the better off she'd be.

Agent Phen had quietened down again, leaning against Lyrani's shoulder. Before the senior agent could reprimand her, Neaeson whistled at his donkey. The cart rolled to a stop outside one of the cottages.

Lyrani looked up and down the street. She wouldn't be able to tell this house apart from any of the others lining the road if it wasn't for the box of purple pansies on the windowsill, nodding their little heads in the early morning breeze.

Neaeson jumped down from the driver's seat. "This is my home." He unlatched the cart's door and offered his rough hand to Lyrani.

As she took it, she saw that there was dirt caked under his nails, probably from working the fields around the town. She thanked him as her feet touched down on the ground. Agent Phen followed her.

The front door flew open, and a stout elf appeared, her bosom heaving and her mass of dark curls blowing out behind her as she hurried towards Lyrani.

"That's my wife, Golomma." Neaeson looked over at the agents and then at the newcomer. "What's the matter, love?"

Golomma smiled as she looked between Lyrani and Agent Phen. "Just wanted to greet our guests is all. Welcome to Jinvonf, ladies."

Neaeson gazed at her, then nodded and turned back to the agents. "I shall escort you to the stables, where your transportation and supplies await."

The pleasant surprise curved Lyrani's mouth in a smile. That was more than she had expected Neaeson to provide. Venturing into uninhabited territory on foot would be challenging, and there was only so much Lyrani could fit in her backpack in terms of supplies.

"Thank you so very much," she said.

Golomma shook her head, pursing her lips. "I don't know where you picked up this habit of being inhospitable, Neaeson. It's barely past dawn. These poor girls are probably starving and exhausted." She studied Lyrani and Agent Phen.

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