Chapter XIV

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I stepped around the boulder, which was almost as tall as me. Shrouded in an unnatural darkness, a shadowy figure loomed. It was twice as large as any wendigo I'd ever seen, with cruel eyes that glowed crimson with rage.

Elektra casually mentioned, "Yurie, it's an aggressor wendigo, in case you were curious." I snarled, "With you mentally by my side, we can defeat it now."

Excitedly, Elektra exclaimed, "Let's show this blood sucker what we're made of!" Granting Elektra control, the transformative process commenced once more, the fur bristling at the sight. I noticed that I was short of breath, as the transformation drained a significant amount of energy from me.

With a ravenous hunger, it grabbed one of them with its razor-sharp talons, lifting the child into the air, while the other child wailed in distress. Its shallow breathing and irregular stance birthed feelings of hatred to my own kind. No, this thing couldn't have anything left in its cruel rotting heart. I couldn't be like them, mine still pulsed with all strings attached.

Reacting swiftly, I rushed towards the creature, causing it to momentarily evade my approach, dropping the child onto the ground. With quick movements, I maneuvered in a zigzag pattern and tripped the wendigo with my leg before delivering a powerful strike to its skull, a resounding crack following after.

The air filled with horrifying screams that pierced my ears, causing immense pain, but I stood my ground. With my fists unclenched and my head lowered, it lunged towards me, its monstrous claws slashing the air.

I deftly dodged and our antlers collided forcefully as we battled for dominance. In this animal form, I could move my head in ways impossible in my human form. As my eyes met with the aggressor's, even in its rage, I could see the existence of pain in them.

Twisting my head at an angle, I threw off the other challenger's balance, causing it to fall beneath me. The neck of the other wendigo was contorted in various directions, making no sound as it struggled to readjust itself. With all my strength, I forcefully impaled its chest, driving my antlers deeper into its black torso. Suddenly, a bright light emanated from the shadow, encasing us in a bright aura.

The light subsided, revealing nothing but my exhausted self on my knees.

The children, their faces tainted with horror, quickly ran back to the festival with the other people.

Elektra nonchalantly said, "Let it go. It put up a fight, but wasn't a worthy opponent." My heart pounded in my throat. "Let's go back", I mumbled.

Remembering the depths of our adversary's eyes, witnessing the relentless hunger that consumed it, a hunger that echoed with incessant cries, forever ravenous. What was my purpose in this search? Perhaps to find a fleeting trace of humanity that still existed within it?

I reverted back to my original form and leisurely strolled back towards the festival. My gaze fixated on the ground, as though it held the utmost fascination. Eventually, I reached the lengthy queue of individuals eagerly awaiting their turn to order food from the numerous food trucks parked nearby.

Mason approached me, balancing two paper plates of food. One plate contained a partially consumed, unidentifiable meat that emitted a strong odour, yet he appeared to be enjoying it. The other plate held my beloved human cuisine, causing Elektra to retch, and an unexpected wave of queasiness washed over me. "Stay strong," I urged Elektra.

Mason insisted that I accept the plate, and I acquiesced, I thanked him. He shot me a look of sympathy and whispered, "They ran out of meat." Attempting to consume human food was like suffering from the flu for me. The pangs of hunger would gnaw at our stomachs, but as soon as we attempted to eat, a wave of anguish would wash over us, leaving us feeling nauseated once more.

This never happened when Elektra was silenced, coming down to consuming humans.

Balancing my plate on my arm, I idly pushed the food around with a plastic fork. As hunger clawed at my insides, he kindly offered me the last portion of his meal, which I gratefully accepted. Bringing the final morsel to my mouth, the satisfying sensation of the meat grinding against my teeth provided some relief, even if it didn't compare to the usual food we were accustomed to.

While absentmindedly scanning the bustling festival, my attention was suddenly captured by the two children from earlier amidst the moving crowd. With a smile on my face, I eagerly waved at them, only to be met with a perplexing tilt of their heads and a gaze that seemed to burn holes in me, like paper. I shivered, until the children returned my smile, revealing sharp blades that mirrored their mischievous grins. Shocked, my jaw dropped as they swiftly vanished behind a passerby, leaving me bewildered in their wake.

"I couldn't perceive their scent at all; they appeared like regular children, indistinguishable from any other!" I began. He agreed with me and responded, "The purebred wendigo children are undergoing a transformation; their parents could be identified by their kin, but oddly enough, the offspring cannot be."

They are evolving. What lies ahead for them? Perhaps I can seek guidance from my grandmother, as I believe she possesses the answers. I plan to visit her tomorrow, confident that she holds the knowledge I seek.

The idea had never crossed my mind before, something I had always avoided contemplating. Is it possible to find a cure for the curse of a wendigo? They got the potential to evolve overwhelmingly formidable, devouring the world until nothing remains. Wendigos are essentially vampiric beings adorned with antlers, persistently pursuing to grab and eat anything that moves.

However, I wonder how an available cure would impact the wendigos, including the children, Mason, and even myself. Would it potentially harm or eliminate us? Would I have to say goodbye to my twin?

Mason expressed concern as he asked me, "Yurie, is something bothering you?' Exhausted, I replied, "Can we go back home? I'm not feeling well. I'll explain once we're there."


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