Chapter 6: Gathering Info

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Chapter 6: Gathering Info

Jay and Maddy stayed downstairs to ready the restaurant for the day, as customers would be coming in just a couple hours. They bid the guys a short farewell as they made their way up the steps for some quiet time.

Wyatt picked up his camera as he passed the bar and took it up the stairs with them. The twins didn't seem to notice what he was doing, as Ryan was still watching River like a hawk and River was still quite tired.

They were each quietly doing research on separate subjects, chatting briefly whenever one of them found something interesting or helpful, before River had fallen asleep on the bed with his laptop in front of him. The other two let him be.

Wyatt reviewed the hour of footage he had captured while they were out at double speed, wearing headphones to make sure he had optimal audio. There was no indication of anything unusual until halfway through the video, when Wyatt saw the old ceramic doorknob in the big heavy door turn slightly and then stop, followed by a low growl that could be heard if the volume was turned up all the way. He gave an involuntary shiver and played it again.

Meanwhile, after spending what felt like forever looking up info on protections, Ryan decided he needed to finally check out the raw footage from last night's encounter. He had been reluctant because he didn't want to relive those moments where he thought he had lost his brother. But curiosity would forever rule him, and he knew he couldn't resist for much longer. However, he didn't want to do this alone, so he asked Wyatt to watch with him.

"Yeah, sure, I'll watch with you," said Wyatt. "But check this out really quick before we start on that." He handed Ryan the headphones and queued up the moment of interest he had found, then hit play.

Ryan physically recoiled when he heard it, covering his mouth with his hand in shock. "You caught that this morning while we were eating breakfast??" he whispered worriedly, trying not to wake River just yet.

"Yeah, it's fucked up, right? That growl is gnarly," Wyatt whispered back.

"I do not like the sound of that at all," said Ryan, looking at his brother curled on his side on the bed, using his arm as a pillow. "But it has to be the thing that had ahold of him."

Wyatt nodded. "We can't let that happen again, to anyone. I don't know if it's exactly demonic, but it is a very negative presence, whatever it is."

"Definitely," Ryan agreed.

River began to stir from his nap, hearing the other two talking. "What's going on, did you find something good?" he asked, stretching and yawning.

"We were just about to watch what little bit we got yesterday, but Wyatt did catch some movement and audio this morning. He left a camera running while we were at The Beanery," Ryan explained.

"Let me see," said River, coming over to them. Ryan handed him the headphones. Wyatt hit play for him. "Holy fuck!" River looked at them with wide eyes.

"Yeah," said Ryan and Wyatt together.

"You sure you wanna watch the stuff we caught last night?" Ryan asked.

River looked like he had swallowed a bug. "I don't want to see it, but also I do, does that make sense?"

"I feel the same way," said Ryan. "But we need to. We might find something important that will help us figure this out somehow."

"That's true," said River thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure how much of it we'll really be able to see after a certain point, because I laid both our cameras down, but I only turned them off when we left the storage room to go sit in the booth with Jay and Maddy," said Wyatt. "So we may have good audio at least. I wasn't really thinking about whether I was capturing good angles when the thing had hold of you."

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