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Startled by the blaring alarm and the urgent knocking on our door, I groggily awoke from my slumber. 

Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock and realized it was time to rise and shine. With a sigh, I mustered the energy to shake off the remnants of sleep.

"Girls?" a voice called from outside. "Get dressed! We're having breakfast!"

The urgency in the voice spurred me into action. I quickly threw off the covers and fumbled to find something suitable to wear for the day ahead.

I looked over at the nightstand to push the stop button. Was that thing always there? Maybe I wasn't paying attention when we got here. I picked it up and started examining it, it looked old but there was a red light coming from it.

Could it be a camera?

"Y/N hurry up," Amelia said, stopping my thoughts and I followed her downstair to the dining room where everyone greeted us and I sat down next to some girl around my age.

"Oh you must be the new girl Y/N, names Lyra," she said with a warm smile, I hummed in response while rubbing my eye and yawning.

I got up to grab something to eat and when I sat down I realized Lyra had left and Dean was sitting in her chair. His presence sent a ripple of curiosity through me, leaving me with unanswered questions.

Had Lyra left without a word? Was Dean intentionally taking her place?

"Good morning Y/N," he said in a deep voice, jolting me from my thoughts. Startled, I turned towards Dean, momentarily caught off guard by his sudden presence.

"Oh, morning Dean, wasn't Layra sitting there?" I ask, looking around for her, It was at that moment, as my gaze briefly met Dean's, that an unsettling shift seemed to ripple across his features. 

His countenance darkened momentarily, almost imperceptibly, before swiftly morphing into a reassuring smile.

What on gods earth was that expression?

"Oh, Lyra had an urgent matter to attend to," he replied smoothly, his voice laced with an air of nonchalance. "And I thought I could show you around a bit since I didn't really see you that much yesterday"

I was really hoping he didn't notice.

"Okay, what are we going to be doing today?" I ask taking a bite out of the waffles that were really good, but Dean ruined the moment by staring at me for a bit too long.

"Oh, just a simple tour of the property," he explained, his voice dripping with casualness, "and then back to my office so I can get to know you." His words hung in the air, capturing my attention and sending a shiver down my spine.

"Get to know me?" I repeated, my curiosity piqued and a flicker of unease creeping into my voice.

Dean's response held an air of intrigue, his gaze steady and unwavering. "Yes, it's my job to know everyone here," he continued, his tone lowering slightly. "Likes, dislikes, fears... everything that makes you who you are."

A sense of vulnerability washed over me, tinged with a mixture of fascination and apprehension.

The tranquil beauty of the surroundings held a mesmerizing quality, casting a spell of serenity upon the atmosphere. 

With each step, Dean guided me through the vast expanse, sharing insights and anecdotes about the retreat's rich history.

"This place was designed to be a home away from home," Dean explained, his voice filled with a sense of pride. "Everyone here contributes in some way, and we strive to provide fresh, wholesome food for our community."

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