Chapter 45

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I texted Nick and Noah before leaving with Maddie, to get her away from Noah's mom. Maddie was still cuddled up to my chest and I had the seatbelt around the two of us and I have kid music playing to help her calm down.

I pulled up the McDonald's drive-thru and pulled up behind a car to wait for our turn. "What do you want to eat, Sweet pea?" I asked her.

"Happy meal." She said excitedly which made me smile at her.

"I'm gonna need you to do something for me okay?" I asked her which made her nod her head.

"I need you to lay in the backseat until I get your food, can you do that for me sweet pea?" I asked her making her shake her head.

"I don't want to leave you." She said making me heart break.

"I'm going to be right here, okay. I just don't want you getting caught sitting in my lap okay?" I asked Maddie who nodded her head.

I unbuckled the seatbelt and helped Maddie climb to the back and she laid down across the backseat. The car in front of us moved up and I pulled up to the speaker.

"Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get you?" A voice came through the speaker.

"What kind of happy meal, sweet pea?" I asked her.

"Chicken nuggets, with a chocolate milk please." She said making me nod my head with a smile.

"Of course, baby." I said then turned my head back to the speaker.

"Can I get a girls chicken nugget happy meal, with a chocolate milk please." I said into the speaker.

"Of course, is that all?" The person asked.

"Can I get a large sprite please and an extra chocolate milk and that'll be all then." I said which made Maddie clap and giggle and that brought a smile to my face again.

"Okay, pull up to the next window." They said and I did exactly what they told me to do.

"Your total is fifteen dollars and Twenty cents." The person at the window said.

I pulled my credit card out of my wallet that was on the passenger seat and handed it to the person. "You okay back there baby?" I asked and got a yes back.

The person handed me my card and the receipt then I pulled up to the other window. The window opened and a female handed me the drinks which I placed in the cup holders then, they handed me the happy meal and I sat that on the passenger seat.

"You have a great night." The woman said making me smile and pull off then parked in a parking spot.

"You can come back now, Maddie." I said and I heard her shuffling around then she stepped on the middle console and sat back down in my lap.

I put the seatbelt back around us and reached into Maddie's happy meal and pulled out her chicken nuggets and handed them to her. She grabbed them and started eating them, while I grabbed her chocolate milk and opened it for her.

She reached for it and I handed it to her then she took a sip out of it then, handed it back to me which I screwed the lid back on and place it in the cup holder.

I backed out of the parking spot and rolled up my window to make sure no one sees Maddie sitting in my lap while I drive. I drove back to Nick's house since Noah texted me saying William had her mother arrested for assault and drug abuse.

Yeah, that shocked me as well.

"Want to listen to more music?" I asked Maddie who nodded her head.

I turned up the volume and Maddie started bobbing her head while eating which made me smile. We reached the neighborhood where Nick lives and I pulled up in front of the gates and they opened making me drive through them slowly.

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