Unforgivable Curses

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Alastor Moody

"I am your new professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. I am here because Dumbledore requested me. End of conversation. Goodbye. Any questions?" he questioned, placing his hands behind his back.

No one dared to ask any questions.

"When it comes to Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach. But first, which one of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses exist?"

"Three, sir," Hermione answered.

"Ah why are they called Unforgivable?"

"Because they are unforgivable. The wizard who uses them..." Hermione was interrupted by thenew professor.

"Gets a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct?" he growled.

"Now, the Ministry says you are too young to see what they do. I say otherwise. You need to know what you're dealing with. You need to be prepared! So, which curse should we see first?" the madman asked.

"Weasley!" he exclaimed. "Name a Curse."

"Well, my father mentioned one... the Imperius Curse."

"Ah, yes. Your father knows it well. Gave the Ministry quite some work a few years ago. Perhaps this will show you why," he stepped back and took out a spider from a glass jar.

"Imperius," he declared and began playing with the small spider, tossing it from one student to another, eliciting laughter from the class.

"Imperius," he declared and began playing with the small spider, tossing it from one student to another, eliciting laughter from the class

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The spider jumped from Moody's hand onto a thin silk thread and started swinging back and forth as if on a trapeze. It stretched its rigid legs and performed somersaults, breaking the thread and landing on the table, where it began acrobatics in circles.

Everyone laughed - everyone, except Cassi and Moody. "Found it amusing, did you?" he snarled. "Would you like me to do that to you?"
The laughter ceased almost instantly.

"Total control! I could make it jump out the window, drown itself?"

He threw the spider into the water-filled jar. The poor creature writhed in agony as Moody watched with a serious expression.

"A few years ago, many wizards and witches claimed they only followed the orders of You-Know-Who. Under the influence of the Imperius Curse. But here's the question: how do we uncover the liars?"

"The Imperius Curse can be countered, and I will show you how, but it takes real strength of character, and not everyone possesses that. So it's best to avoid being cursed by it if you can." He paused silently.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he shouted, making all the students jump.
Moody picked up the acrobatic spider and tossed it back into the jar.

"Anyone know any others? Any other illegal curses?"

Many hands were raised, but to everyone's surprise, Neville's hand also went up. The only subject in which Neville typically volunteered information was Herbology, where he excelled without question. The boy seemed surprised by his own boldness.

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