Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I slip into the office space quietly, and suddenly, I'm even more anxious than I was before. My heart is pounding hard in my chest, and I'm finding it hard to breathe all of a sudden.

I'm immediately greeted by complete silence that is punctuated only by the soft rustling of paper. I notice the wispy sounds are coming from a woman seated at a desk just a few feet away, her face slightly obscured by the desktop monitor in front of her.

Her head is slightly bowed, her eyes focused on whatever she's looking at in the folders on her desk. It's almost as if she didn't hear me come in, but somehow, I doubt it.

I contemplate announcing myself, but for some reason, I think better of it and refrain from doing so.

As the silence continues to stretch on, my eyes leave her seated figure and glance above her to meet something I find even more odd.

Rainbow wallpaper.

My brows arch in question at the sight. I look around and turn behind me to find the same vibrant, multicolored wallpaper spread across all the walls of her office.


I know it's called the Rainbow Escort Service, but actual rainbows sprinkled all over the head boss' office is not something I was expecting when Nicole gave me the run down last night. I guess she decided to leave out this very interesting detail.

The woman at the desk finally raises her head and looks at me—and her stare shocks me into perfect stillness.

She must be Mindy.

Even from this distance, she seems so ruthless, with a very obvious, no-nonsense attitude. It's almost as if she'll kick me out if I so much as breathe the wrong way. Now that I think about it, she's actually kind of like a younger version of Vito. I swear, they could totally be related.

She only looks at me for a few seconds before her attention goes back to the paperwork in front of her.

"Have a seat," she says without looking at me.

I comply without a word, watching her closely as I take a seat opposite her.

Even without her eyes on me, she looks like she could pounce on me at any given moment. She has this dangerous demeanor about her, like she could do some serious damage without so much as lifting a finger.

Her expression is serious and all business as she continues to look through her pile of documents.

She doesn't speak or look at me for several moments, so I'm caught off guard when her voice comes through again unexpectedly.

"Green tea or fruit juice?" she says.

I raise my brow, a bit confused by her words. "I'm sorry?"

She finally looks at me squarely, and her expression turns somewhat bored.

"Green tea or fruit juice?" she repeats.

Somehow, I get the distinct feeling she's one of those people who doesn't like repeating themselves.

"I assume you're old enough to drink either," she adds sarcastically, but there's no humor in her eyes or her tone that tells me she's just being friendly in her own way.

I wave my hands around. "Oh, nothing for me, thank you. I'm fine."

"Pick one," she says sternly. Her statement is definitely a demand. She doesn't care if I'm not thirsty. Maybe this is part of the interview process?

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