Chapter 26 - Nothing to Discuss

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Third Person Pov:

"So... what does she think we need to "talk" about?


Anxiously, with one hand the poor girl picked at the skin on her knuckles. coloring it an ugly blotchy red as she fumbled over the different ways to present her argument to the demanding man in front of her. This was going to be a long conversation. "How about we talk inside? I can make you a nice warm drink, perhaps a hot chocolate or something, and then I'll tell you what Nyla was talking about?", Melody schemed. The naive girl was hopeful that if Leonardo were in his house and his space, clutching a warm soothing drink in his palms made by his one and only girlfriend that he might be more open to hearing her plea.

Leonardo's eyes scrutinized Melody as an uncomfortable dread of the unknown lay over him like a weighted blanket. His suspicions grew worse as he noted the girl's familiar anxious movements and he struggled to refrain from reprimanding her for harming herself. Briskly, he clasped Melody's wrist and forcefully yanked her towards the door, his impatience growing with each step. He hated not knowing everything about her. Melody swallowed nervously as she watched him lock the back door once they had entered and, for a moment, she contemplated abandoning her plan altogether. "Talk," he commanded as he crossed his arms in a defiant pose.

"Are you sure you don't want to sit down first?" she suggested desperately as she became increasingly intimidated at his overly large frame which towered over her.

"Talk Melody", he all but growled in reply as he took an intrusive step towards her, invading her space.

"Right, okay then, straight to it I guess", she mumbled nervously, desperately avoiding eye contact with him. "So, I've been thinking... that... maybe... I mean, okay so the thing is..."

"Spit it out," he grumbled, causing the poor girl to flinch at his outburst.

Melody braced herself. "I want to go back to school."

A thick eery silence engulfed the room as Melody, with both eyes shut, anticipated his reaction. The only sound being the pounding of her heart, thundering in her ears.

After what felt like hours to the sweet girl, he replied in a monotone voice. "What did you just say to me?"

"I um... I think I might, no... I've decided that I would like to start attending university. I wanted to let you know-"

"Let me know! Let me know...huh? Wow, how absolutely fucking generous of you!" He bellowed in a punishingly mocking tone as he rolled his eyes in disbelief. Melody recoiled into herself.

"That's not what I meant... I mean I wanted to talk about this with you before anything is definite," she explained, yearning to dig herself out of the hole she had fallen into.

"Oh baby, that's fucking adorable that you think there's anything to discuss here," he patronised - his voice outwardly calm but vengeance still spiking the chuckle that followed his declaration.

"W-what do you mean?" She whispered in innocent confusion as her head tilted to the side slightly like a deer stuck in headlights.

"Listen to me Melody and listen very closely because I want you to remember this," he began as he edged towards her as if she were his prey, "there is no way in hell that I am going to let you prance off to university for god knows how long - out of my sight and out of my arms. Not. Fucking. Happening." He growled as his head hung directly over hers, caging her to the kitchen island.

Melody's jaw trembled as her hands clung to the island surface in desperation, willing herself not to crumble to the floor; to crumble to his will. "B-but..." she began before she was abruptly shot down.

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