010 an offer & a plan

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"What do you think?" Barracus turned to Theseus. Ariadne was currently sitting in her Head Auror's office, staring at Theseus as he opened his mouth. It had been a week since they had gotten back from Paris. It had been a week since Ariadne had opened the pocket watch. It had been a week since Ariadne broke into Passel Manor and stole his private letters. It had been a week since she talked to Theseus, particularly after their outbursts.

"It's a terrible idea."

"What part of it is terrible?" Ariadne defended, bitter feelings still trapped in her, "Grindelwald wants to meet me. I can arrange it and then we'll send a team of aurors to capture him," it frustrated her that her partner had no faith in her plan, "This is an opportunity for us. The sooner we lock him up, the sooner we can end his schemes," they glared at each other before turning to their Head Auror, waiting for his response.

"You are putting yourself at risk," Barracus stood up, stroking his beard as he thought, "Getting so close to him. You do know that?"

"And I accept those dangers. This is our chance," she looked at him with pleading eyes. And with that, he nodded.

"I can't believe you're going through with this," heads turned their way as two hot-headed auror's walked out of their Head Auror's office.

"Barracus seemed to agree with me," Ariadne argued, trying to walk away from the enraged man.

"You're going to get yourself killed," he warned with fury in his voice. Ariadne's fast pace was easily matched by him as she stormed towards the exit.

"So be it," Ariadne slammed the door in his face. Members of the Ministry stared at her sudden outburst. She smoothed out her skirt and they dropped their eyes. No one followed her as she made her way up the stairs.

The Ministry's Owlery was located on one of the top floors. Hoots could be heard from outside the circular room. Hay had fallen from above and lay messily on the wooden floor. Ariadne squinted while the tall tower almost made her dizzy as she looked up, light from a large opening shone sunlight down below.

Walking over to one of the owls perched on a straw nest, she took out a letter from her pocket. Big eyes stared cautiously at her as Ariadne handed her a treat. The owl grabbed the letter with two claws as Ariadne watched wings carry them away.

"Be safe," she whispered. Her words echoed in the tall room as she hugged herself with her arms.

When Ariadne returned to the Auror's office, it was empty. Everyone had taken their lunch break and she was glad for the short period of peace. She slumped in her office chair, running her fingers to untangle knots in her hair. The soft padding of footsteps made Ariadne lift her head from her desk as Melinda smiled at her.

"Barracus would like to see you now," she said softly.

"Where is everyone?" Ariadne wondered as they walked together. The empty office was almost foreign to both women. With no men running around, it was almost too quiet.

"They all went to a local cafe for lunch."

"And you're not with them?" she questioned, glancing at Melinda curiously.

"I wasn't invited," Melinda flushed and the reaction made Ariadne regret her question.


"Ariadne!" Barracus opened his office door, startling both Ariadne and Melinda, "Please come in," Ariande gave Melinda a small smile before stepping into the warm office. Barracus closed the door and turned to Ariadne, "I wanted to share something with you," he smiled excitedly.

"What is it?"

"I'm retiring," Ariadne couldn't say she was surprised but what surprised her was his next words, "And I wanted to encourage you, Ariadne, to apply for Head Auror," her eyebrows flew up, shock overtaking her system. His eyes seemed to twinkle, "Applications start next month. I just wanted you to at least think about it."

"I don't know what to say," she replied honestly. It surprised her that someone would have so much faith in her. Leadership always came with heavy burdens that so few could carry. To be someone that Barracus considered good enough was a compliment that Ariadne did not expect, especially when so many aurors believed that they were better than her, simply because she was a woman. 

"Say yes," he laughed, "You would make a great Head Auror."

"Thank you, sir."

"Be mindful though, I've also had this conversation with Theseus. If you want it more than him, you must earn it."

"I will," determination struck within her. No way would she be working for Theseus when he could have worked under her.

"Go have lunch," he chuckled at her sudden determination and Ariadne nodded. With a newfound purpose, she felt the world leap in her favour. The grin of her face was apparent as Melinda smiled at her.

"Hey Melinda, would you like to have lunch with me?"

[829 words]


definitely going to expand on the friendship between Melinda and Ariadne considering that they are the only two women in the auror department. and hey, maybe we'll see Ariadne as head auror instead of Theseus

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