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Pic is something drawn in my art class- I'm amazing😉

You and me fall in line
To be punished for unproven crimes
And we know that there's no one we can trust
Our ancient heroes
They are turning to dust

-United States of Eurasia
By Muse

Gravity, stay the hell away from me.

By John Mayor

-Lynn's POV-

"Thank you for your servive. It has been an honor," the admiral says, smiling down at me.

"The pleasure has been mine sir," I tell him.

Five years have passed since I killed my parents. Five years since Jack's wolf took control. Five years since I reenlisted. Five years since I've been in the pack with Tate.

God I've missed him.

He's a fantastic mate, but I had to finish my term. It was a matter of honoring my commitments and staying loyal to my family.

The years have passed quickly and I've made new friends here, but my best friend was always at home.

We skyped every week, but I always missed seeing him in person. And the mate sparks. Those weren't something you could simulate from half way across the world.

Another thing I missed was seeing Hank and Aly. Nick too. Even Wolfie was missed.

Anything that reminded me of home instantly made me sad.

Someone offers me an Oreo, and I have a mental breakdown because they're Aly's favorites.

After I say goodbye to everyone, I'm finally going home. The military was my home during the part of my life when I had no where else to go. In a way, it will always be my first home.

However, now I have another home, with the man I love.

Just thinking about Tate brings nervous butterflies to my stomach.

What if he didn't miss me?

What are we, two? Of course he missed us. My wolf says, with sarcasm.

Aren't you just the bringer of joy. I tell her.

As you can tell, I'm still the sarcastic person I always was. Not much has changed for me.

Things did change for Aly though, let me tell you. Her demons- I mean, children- were enrolled into a school for geniuses, on scholarships. Surprising, right! I never thought the back-sassing monsters from hell would change. It was like a metamorphosis. From angry, demon spawn, to angelic children.

Things changed for Hank too. He- being a doomsday prepper and all, was at a convention, where he met the love of his life. If humans had mates, I'm pretty sure those two would be each other's. They had had three sweet kids, who were living in the safest house possible. I mean, the walls are three feet of steel. If the apocalypse comes, you know where to find me.

As for Nick, he and his mate are happy as the Beta and Beta female for Tate's pack.

Kade... Well, Kade is a story for another time.

I was still a rogue, in the technical sense. The pack had accepted me, and I had gone back to finish my term before I could bind myself to the pack. They were okay with having a MIA Luna, because they were sure I'd come back. Now that I'm back, I will honor this pack and officially become a pack wolf.

I've come to terms with what I've done over the years. Killing those innocent people, that was wrong. Blaming Jack and my parents for it, that was wrong too. I've reconciled everything with my therapist. Ironic, right. I hate feelings, but I saw a therapist. Given, it was required before I reenlisted, but still. The therapist was a human, so I just spoke about killing people in general, and she thought it was in military ways, not on US soil.

Tate and I ended up adopting a son from Detroit. We adopted because pregnant women aren't exactly welcome on the battlefield. There's no way I was using a surrogate, either. Our son was currently about to turn six, because we had adopted him from a young age. As a mother, I felt horrible that I had only met my son over Skype. I'd never really pictured myself as the maternal type, but for this boy, I'd gladly lay down my life.

Hours after my plane boards, we finally start our descent. Landing smoothly onto the runway, I'm nervous to visit my son and see Tate again. By nervous, I mean really, really nervous. What if he didn't want me as his mother? What if he didn't like me?

I've faced countless life or death situations, but I felt like I was going to throw up at the thought of meeting him for the first time. Honestly, who wants a mother that has missed five years of your life?

Oh goddess!

After we taxi off the tarmac, the plane pulls up to the airport. Bags unload, then the people in first class.

After I disembark, I walk off the gangplank and towards the people waiting to meet someone flying from the base. Standing next to my wonderful, handsome mate, was an adorable little boy.

He had killer good looks, shown by his tanned skin, light turquoise eyes, and honey golden hair. He was the picture-perfect child. And he was all mine.

"Lynn!" Tate shouts, sweeping me into a bear hug. The tingles and sparks erupted on my skin and made me heave a sigh. I felt at home.

"Dada! Is this momma?" the adorably child asks.

I kneel in front of him, "I want to be your momma, but only if you'd like that too,"

He nods his head shyly, "I would love that momma."

A grin breaks out on my face, matching the one on his. Even Tate smiles down on us. This is my family now. My perfect little family.


Sure, wolves are very different from humans. More animal-like. And, honestly, I think I'm okay with how I turned out. Even, dare I say it, how everything turned out. Maybe I do get my fairytale ending after all.


That's the end guys!
*cries tears of sadness and happiness at the same time*

It's been awesome having everyone read this story!


Send your thoughts! Always love to hear them!
(Just, no mean ones, k?)

Love everyone who has been a part of TRS!

As always, stay classy y'all✨😘

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