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Sigh, the timeline is off but it's really my fault lol, 9 weeks from August is October NOT December so pretend it's October and ignore the Christmas party which was originally a Halloween party 🌚 i expected to be done with this book months ago but life happens yk i should've left it the way it was i might go back and change it, the halloween version is in my stuff i scrapped chapter

I was currently lying in my bed, Tatum left about an hour ago to go see her mom who'd flown into town. She offered to just invite her mom over but I wasn't really in the mood for guests. I did love Mrs. Cooper to death but I wasn't exactly at my best right now.

The whole Paige thing was still heavy on my mind. As hard as I tried to pretend it didn't sting it did. No matter how hard I tried to suppress my feelings for her they just came back. I hated how she made me feel, I hated her but somehow she was my first thought waking up and my last thought going to sleep.

She was ruining my life and I wasn't even speaking to her. Earlier she finally stopped calling and texting. She texted me a total of 6 times today and called twice. It was an all-time low. Yesterday she called 13 times, she called so much I thought my phone was going to explode. It took everything in me not to answer those calls, but I knew it was in my best interest that I didn't pick up.

I sigh to myself as I pull out my laptop. I wanted to distract myself so what better way than watching my own highlights? I finally can walk around without my boot on, and I start physical therapy tomorrow. To think it's been 9 weeks since I first got hurt is insane.

The volleyball season is practically over though. They have about 10 games left and then if they make it to playoffs there are 5 games if we make it to the championship. I was definitely missing the next three games but Alex promised I'd be up and ready by the time playoffs came around if I was consistent with my physical therapy, maybe even sooner. Sitting out the whole season definitely was not a part of my plan but if I could be there for my team in any way I definitely would.

After a while of watching my highlights and skimming through a few of my teammates, there's a knock on the door. I was confused to say the least. Tatum had a key and nobody texted me asking if they could come over. I get up with caution not knowing who was at the door. Once I get to the door I look through the peephole seeing the one person in the world I wish it wasn't. Why was she here?

"Go away Paige," I say through the door. I was not opening it. "Just let me talk to you, please" she sighs. I was debating on opening the door. "There's nothing to talk about Paige, I don't want to see you...ever" I spit. Even if it broke my heart to say those words to her it was what was best. She didn't deserve to just treat me how she wanted. "Please, I'm sorry" If I hadn't been pressed against the door I would've missed the way Paige's voice cracked as she begged. It hurt me to hurt her, but she clearly didn't care about hurting me when she was kissing that girl.

"Paige I-" I didn't have words. I had nothing to say to her. I could feel tears brimming in the corner of my eyes. I didn't want to cry right now. Paige clearly wasn't leaving though. The other side of the door went silent for a second. "Listen Y/n. You have the right to hate me. You have every right to never want to see me again but at least let me explain first" She says. Her words really weighed heavy on me. Should I give her a chance? Was all this pain I was feeling worth it? We've known each other for two months. I was crying over a two-month barely friendship.

Fuck. I gave up finally opening the door. Paige's under eyes were slightly red and irritated as if she'd been trying to wipe away tears. Not like she had the right to cry; as if she wasn't the one who did me wrong. She refused to look at me opting to look down at her shoes. I can't lie, she looked amazing even with tear stained cheeks, but now was not the time. I was hurting. "Can you at least look at me, you showed up at my apartment at least give me the decency of looking me in my eyes Paige" I say. She looks up at me the little color she had instantly draining from her face. I knew I looked disheveled. I'd been losing my mind over her for two weeks now.

"Look, I was angry and stupid and I shouldn't have done it." She says. I don't speak. I wasn't going to. I gave Paige the floor to get everything off her chest before I closed the door and didn't turn back. "That Night, well before that night I got a text from some guy saying he was your best friend and well I believed him because he had pictures of you and him hanging out on his page" she states. I had a feeling where this was going. "And he basically told me that you told him you were only talking to me because of who I was and not because you genuinely liked me," she says. I could tell by the way she said it, it hurt her deeply.

I knew Carlos fucked shit up, but to go as far to not only antagonize me but text Paige complete bullshit i was beyond heated. "He offered to like i guess 'hook me up' with some girl, and i took the chance. I shouldn't have but i did" she uses quotes around the hook up part. When Carlos said that's what he was doing i couldn't possibly believe him. I needed to undo whatever damage he'd done because he clearly struck a deep nerve within the blonde in front of me. As bad as i was hurting i felt the need to comfort her.

"Paige, I don't know what you went through in the past but I'm not like that. And I wouldn't need to be with you for a name. I have my own, I'm a very well-established athlete. I would never in a million years use you or anyone just to boost myself, I have no need" I state plainly. It was the truth. The Brady's had their own brand. Nil deals left and right, and yes Paige was a big name in women's college basketball, but that didn't have anything to do with me. Yes, I was a fan of hers but I fell in love with Paige because of her personality and how she cared for me. "Paige, I like you for you okay? I didn't fall for the name or whatever you were told. I fell for the funny jokes, your laugh, the amazing person you are." I reach out my hand, she hesitates before taking it.

"Trust me, Paige, I like you for more than just the fact you're THE Paige Bueckers, that's just a bonus," I say making her laugh. "I feel so stupid for ever even believing that. I should've talked to you about it not shut you out" She states. She wasn't wrong there. "I understand it was something that genuinely hurt you, I'm not mad you shut yourself off I'm mad that the first thing you thought of was throwing yourself at another girl" I sigh. "You're so much better than that Paige, even if we don't work out don't settle for make-out sessions in the bathrooms of frat houses," I say. This time we both genuinely laughed. "I'm so sorry Y/n, truly," She says.

"It's okay P, I accept your apology" I smile for the first time since this all started. "You should let me make it up to you" she offers. "Mmm I don't know Ms. Bigshot, you might have another girl waiting" I joke, Paige didn't laugh at that one, she almost looked sick when I said it. "I'm joking I'm joking" I laugh at her face. "Well if you wouldn't mind doing me the honors, I'd love to take you on a date Brady" she smiles. "I'd love to go on a date with you Ms.Bigshot" I swung our hands as we had yet to let go. "Tomorrow?" she asks. "Fine with me see ya at 3 Bueckers." This was probably the brightest I'd ever seen Paige smile.

"See you at 3" she repeats finally letting go of my hand. When Paige leaves I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I can't believe it all turned around so fast. Now I'm going on a date tomorrow, I couldn't believe it.

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