Chapter 13: The battle

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Pihu's pov

I looked at the crowd. They are wailing so much. I saw many political parties also shouting outside the mansion.

"We are not in safe hands...what will be the future of our city? The king is mentally challenged....they played with our emotions....they made us fool...they have hidden the truth of our future king from us"

Some of the leaders were shouting and manipulating the people. Mr. Chauhan entered the mansion with his son Baivab.

"What are you waiting for bhaisaab? Why don't you announce Baivab's name as the king....people are going mad out there...just go and make the announcement....."

Rajasaab and Ranima exchanged glance. They were looking extremely tensed.

"Ma, this is the right thing to do....papa, do it...just announce Baivab as the King"

Tuhin di said.

Unexpectedly Rajasaab stared at me once.

"Why are you looking at her?? She is not someone from our family...and by the way, all these happened for her....if she didn't take Rajveer outside the mansion, people will never get to know about this"

Tuhin di was directly blaming me. I stood silent. This is baseless to argue here. I'm still wandering why everything is going against Rajababu.

"I need to talk to Pihu"

My eyes widened when Rajasaab said that.

"What??? Papa have you gone mad???"

Tuhin di is shouting.

"Pihu come with me"

I followed Rajasaab in silence. I know Baivab and Tuhin di is now burning me with their eyes.

"This is too much...."

I heard Tuhin Di's voice from behind.


"What do you think Pihu?"

I looked at Rajasaab. I felt an aching inside me after seeing his broken state.

"Why all these happening? What have I done so wrong? Infact why all these are happening to Rajveer? He never did any harm to son is my pride....I don't know what to do now.... I'm seeing darkness you really think this will be a good idea to give the throne to Baivab???"

I stood in silence.

"It's not like that i don't trust Baivab...he is my son-in-law.... I'm thinking about the future...what if Rajveer get well someday and Baivab didn't return him the throne....this throne belongs to Rajveer....Dr. Batra was telling that Rajveer has no hope for future....I don't head is blasting"

Rajasaab sat on the couch by holding his head.

"Then give me the throne"

I said.

Rajasaab lifted his face and stared at me being dumbfounded. He is looking at me in extreme shock.

But i stood unfazed. I know what I'm doing right now. This is the only way I'm seeing right now to save Rajababu. My instincts are telling me that something more horrible is going to happen. And i can only stop this storm if I get some power in my hand.

"But people will never going to accept you as a were....."

Rajasaab stopped in midway.

"I know I was a maid....but I don't think there is any other way to protect Rajababu.... I'm feeling like everyone is plotting against him... don't you feel that the people who are shouting out there were bribed by someone influential? Don't you think that the maid has been bribed by someone too...."

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