Meeting my sorella again

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Domenico pov

I was in my office working on some paper work when I got a call from an unknown number. I pick it up to see who it is and what happened after that lady me completely shocked.

" Hello is this Domenico Russo?" The lady on the other side asked.

"Yes this is him."

"Hi I was calling from the Boston police department to let you know that we have your sister Athena Russo and after doing a DNA test we found you. Are you willing to take her in or should we put her in foster care?" She said

I was shocked. I was so happy to have finally found my sorella. I can't believe it I finally found her.

"Hello? Sir are you there?"

"Yes yes I am. And I am on my way now to get. Could you send me the paper work?"

"Yes of course"

After the call ended I quickly called Andrew in my office and told him the news. He was also shocked and at a loss of words. We quickly made out way to the airport and headed to Boston.

I can't wait to see you again my principessa. I can't wait to hold her again and give her hugs. This time I am going to protect her with everything I have. I will not loose her again.

We got to her school and it's not that bad. It's a decent school. We walked to the principal's office and told him who we are here for.

Then he proceeded to call Athena to the office.

"Athena Romero please come to the principal's office." He announced.

Soon the door opened to reveal a beautiful young lady. My Principessa. She had a cold, expressionless face on. Mhmm. I wonder why?

She sat down and started rambling on about why she thinks she is here.

I was a little surprised after hearing her reasons but I mean what can I say it runs in the family I guess.

Then the principal told her why she is actually here. She didn't show any emotions and kept a blank face on. After hearing everything she got out of the office to go get her things.

We thanked the principal and walked out. We were waiting near the parking lot when she walked back.

" Hey" she said with no emotions.

"Hello, I am your oldest brother Domenico and this is your second oldest brother Andrew." I said.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"We are gonna go to your house and get your stuff then we will go to the airport so we can go to Italy." Andrew said.

"Ok then. You guys can follow me home." Then we went towards our cars.

We were shocked when we saw her car it was beautiful but how can she afford this car?

We followed her home and saw that she lived in a nice neighborhood. Ok that's good. I thought. We got out of our car and saw her house. It was a nice house not gonna lie. I am guessing by the looks of it she lived a good life so far.

Her house ^

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Her house ^

We walked inside and she told us to wait in the living room while she packs, so that what we did.

"Seems like she lived a good life so far." Andrew said.

"Yeah seems like it. If not then I don't know what I would do."

" yeah same"

After a while she came downstairs with three bags. Then we hopped on the car and went to the airport.

The ride to the airport was short so we didn't really speak. When we got to the airport she looks very shocked when she saw the jet. I just smirked and told my men to get her bags.

"You can take this two bags but this one stays with me. It has important stuff I need." She said to him. Then we got on the jet.

She was working on something for a couple of hours then she fell asleep.

""Dovremmo sistemare le spedizioni e voglio guardie extra in giro per casa in ogni momento. Non voglio che nessuno lo scopra ancora." I said to Andrew. ( We should get the shipments sorted out and I want extra guards around the house at all times. I don't want anyone finding out about her yet.)

"Sì, non lo voglio nemmeno io e ho detto ai ragazzi di incontrarci a casa quando arriviamo." Andrew said. ( Yeah I don't want that either and I told the boys to meet us at the house when we get there.)

"Va bene" I said. ( alright )

I noticed that that Athena was awake so we stopped talking. She told us she was gonna go to the restroom and walked out.

" I don't think she speaks Italian" Andrew stated.

"Yeah she looked confused" I said.

She walked back and took her seat.


Another short chap but bare with me it's my first time.

Thoughts on Athena....

I will try my best to update soon!

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