Chapter XLIV

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The silvery bracelet with some intricate stones glittered in the light and was a testament to careful and skillful handwork of its maker. It had a swirling pattern around it all and the glittering stone were littered around the patterns. There were two chain designs at both ends that served as a clasp for the bracelet and it was beautiful , simple work of art.

"Is this the bracelet Ma'am?"


A round of gasps echoed throughout the whole hall again and everyone started to murmur in shock.

' Wait, what? How did that get into my bag?' Wang Linxue heart leaped and her sights immediately landed on Ling Zhirou who stood in the crowd with eyes widened in surprise?

Why would she be surprised? Wasn't she the one who did this?

Before she could think further, a harsh grip yanked her to the left and she was met with Du Mufei who was raging.

" You! You thief. How dare you do this?"

" N-No. I didn't do this. " Wang Linxue stammered in shock and couldn't even gather up her thoughts to retort much. Why would this bracelet be in her bag? She had not given her bag to anyone tonight.

" Linxue? Why...." The Xi Matriarch pointed a finger at her unable to believe. The Xi Patriarch said nothing and waited for her explanation and didn't rush to accuse her unlike his wife. That gave Wang Linxue hope.

" This is a mistake Grandma. I didn't...." Wang Linxue denied vehemently turning her head to see if anyone believed her. All she got were looks of contempt, pity and schadenfreude. Her brows slowly became littered in sweat , her chest constricting in anxiety and her heart pounding.

" This is a mistake? Did the bracelet jump into your bag by itself?" The old lady shook off her husband's hands that were trying to calm her down. He understood that her special day had been ruined but he wanted her to calm down and not make a mistake she would regret if the girl was truly innocent. One had to take a neutral stance in these matters until the whole picture was confirmed.

" I...." Wang Linxue looked at Ling Zhirou who in turn smirked shaking her head in pity. Ling Zhirou actually could not believe someone had tried to frame her today when she, the step sister had decided to win the favour of the Xi Family little by little today. This was her lucky day.

Wang Linkai went back further into the crowd so no one would identify him. His daughter had brought her disgrace and made him loose face again. He actually couldn't believe his daughter had changed so much in such a small time, resorting to stealing. But he decided to say nothing and see how this plays.

Long Yue watched the ongoing scene frozen. She should go forward and help or at least say something but she could not help but stand there. She was scared and this made her eyes well up in tears. She didn't want to be implicated no matter how much she loved her friend.

" Wang Linxue would never do this." A familiar voice spoke out brazenly drawing the attention of everyone.

Shen Hui came forward to stand beside Wang Linxue who she even didn't know that well. Long Yue clenched her fist in regret. She should say something yet...

' I'm sorry Linxue.' Her tears falling as she sobbed quietly.

"Shen Hui." Wang Linxue was surprised she spoke out for her. She looked around and saw Long Yue try to blend into the crowd leaving her to defend herself.

'Some friend she had.'

" I'm calling the police right now you little thief. Let's see where that lands you. And if you, Shen Hui ,support her, you will land there as well." Du Mufei continued to gloat inwardly.

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